
发布日期:2025-03-09 05:57:02     作者:墨镜侠     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/efz402210.html     违规举报










劳伦·C.邓普顿。图片来源于Solar Industry官网,2020年,Solar Industry公司任命劳伦·邓普顿为独立董事。


她曾对外形容,约翰·邓普顿“严格但非常友善”。他们会安排时间非常奇怪的会议约会,例如从下午2:17 到下午2:48,而且气氛非常紧张,她能感觉到与他在一起的时间有限。



如今劳伦与丈夫一起经营着投资公司Templeton & Phillips Capital Management,该公司专注于世界各地的低价股——类似于邓普顿开创的投资风格。










首先,我们对中国自1980 年代后期以来的长期经济发展持乐观态度。中国自改革开放以来创造了经济奇迹,并且仍有相当大的发展空间,我们相信它会在未来几十年继续前进。








神经科学研究表明,人脑每秒处理多达1000 万比特的信息,但只有多达 40 比特的信息被有意识地处理。如果这些信息刺激大脑中控制战斗或逃跑反应的杏仁核,也会影响你的决策过程。









劳伦:约翰爵士会成为 20 世纪最伟大的投资者之一,就是靠着他在美国以外的市场应用逆向投资方法。这数十年的经验也是这一策略在全球各国能够成功的证据。







劳伦:我的最爱故事之一是在我职业生涯的早期,当时我正在巴哈马拜访他。那一年是2000 年,美国市场正接近科技股泡沫的顶部。

















劳伦·邓普顿与约翰·邓普顿。图片来源于Budget Babe官网。





























(富兰克林在1736 年创造了这个经典短语,以提醒费城市民对火灾意识和预防保持警惕)











在2008 年金融危机期间,我们从 2008 年 8 月开始买入,但直到 2009 年 3 月,即6个多月以后,市场才触底。在那段时间里,我们持续寻找新的甚至更好的便宜货,这相当于定期升级我们的组合。










(ADR是一种用美元挂牌的股票工具,其英文全称为American depositary receipt,翻译为美国存托凭证,一般说的美股市场的中国概念股,都是ADR)

我们一直了解这些结构,但在2020 年年中,我们对中美之间的地缘政治局势感到紧张,并出售了我们自 2015 年年中就开始持有的阿里巴巴的剩余ADR。




因为从西方的角度来看,产权(property rights)是一个组成部分,而这是西方自由企业资本主义制度的根本关键。













迪士尼和Netflix 之间的竞争就是一个很好的例子。


《逆向投资:邓普顿的长赢投资法》 劳伦·C.邓普顿 斯科特·菲利普斯 著 中信出版集团 出版时间:2022年5月

本 书 内 容 简 介





1. Which part of the book do you think is particularly suitable for Chinese investors to pay attention to?

There are many relevant discussions, but perhaps the chapter “The Sleeping Dragon Awakens” is helpful for a number of reasons. First, it shares Sir John’s optimism for China’s long-term economic progress dating back to the late 1980s. While China has produced an economic miracle since Deng Xiaoping’s early reforms, it still has considerable room for additional progress, and we believe it will continue to advance in the decades to come. Simply put, do not become too discouraged by short-term uncertainties or pessimism regarding Zero-COVID or regulatory changes; these factors carry less weight from a long-term perspective. Also, as the chapter progresses it discusses how to implement investment selection strategies that look through near-term pessimism to make wise long-term purchases. Bargain hunters must recognize and accept that the only way a stock can become a bargain is from other people selling. The best share price bargains will result from uncertain, difficult, and/or pessimistic circumstances that over time prove to be temporary.

2. Contrarian investing is a very effective strategy, but why are so few people following this strategy?

This is a great question because many investors both acknowledge and commit to these strategies but fail in their execution. We believe that despite their best intentions many investors fail to recognize their own psychological and/or physiological shortcomings. It is important to determine these impediments and then find ways to override them as needed. In sum, humans are not wired to be good investors. We believe that selling at the bottom is a “preconscious” decision, meaning that most people say they will never do it, but nevertheless succumb. The cause is more physiological, in our opinion. Neuroscientific studies have shown that the human brain is processing as many as 10 million bits of information per second, but only as many as 40 bits of information are being consciously processed. If this information stimulates a group of nuclei in the brain called the amygdala, which controls the fight or flight response, then it too will impact your decision-making process. By the time your conscious mind processes the red on your screen, your amygdala has already increased your heart rate, created shortness of breath, and perhaps even some perspiration. Your conscious mind will survey these lightning-quick symptoms and conclude that something very real and very horrible is occurring. So many investors struggle withstanding these circumstances and sell in an almost preconscious response. Sir John had two notable workarounds. First, he often kept standing good till canceled orders on stocks he liked 20% below the market. In market selloffs or panics, the correct decision to buy—also a preconscious one—had already been made by him in a rational state of mind. Second, he always kept a “wish list” of stocks he wanted to own in his desk drawer but had thought they were too expensive. During a market selloff, he already knew what he wanted to buy and was actually looking forward to the opportunity. He always said that “Trouble is Opportunity.”

3. Contrarian investment may be less effective in other countries than in the United States. What do you think of the application of this strategy in other countries, especially during unsettling times?

Sir John became one of the greatest investors of the twentieth century applying contrarian methods in markets outside of the U.S., so we can point to decades of empirical supporting evidence illustrating the success of these strategies. The simple truth is that all financial markets are subject to human nature and that whether the people are located in the U.S., Europe, or Asia, their behaviors will prove similar and predictable. Contrarian investment strategies may sound esoteric, but as Sir John explained they are a matter of common sense. Sir John explained that the only way a stock can become a bargain is from other people selling. The most frequent reason investors sell their shares is due to pessimism. If your goal as an investor is to generate returns above the market averages, then you must accept that purchasing stocks at bargain prices is part of that process and that bargains only appear under the guise of difficult near-term circumstances for the company, economy, or both.

4. Would you tell us some fun stories between you andyour great uncle? In what way did your great uncle influence your investment philosophy as well as your life trajectory?

Yes, one of my favorites was early in my career and I was visiting him in the Bahamas. The year was 2000, and the U.S. markets were approaching the top of a large bubble in technology shares. I made the innocent mistake of asking him what technology stocks he was buying. Rather than dismiss my question, he took the opportunity to frame what was occurring in technology shares as just another market event that he had witnessed multiple times during his life. He began with a story from his childhood, in which he and my grandfather were young boys, growing up in my own hometown of Winchester, TN. He said in the early evening he and my grandfather would walk to a house near the town square where many other neighbors were gathered and that a man would come out of the house and wave to everyone just before returned inside and switched on the lights to his home. It was the spread of electricity. He then said that he had researched this event and that the time to get of those stocks was three years prior. He then walked me through similar market speculations in radio, televisions, automobiles, and air travel, and by doing so showed me that what we were witnessing today had happened many times in the past, and its outcome in the markets would prove the same.

5. What do you think are 3 adjectives that describe Sir John Templeton?

Purposeful, rational, and future-minded.

6. Both you and your great uncle grew up in Tennessee. Could you describe your hometown? What kind of local culture and what characteristics of the Templeton family helped Sir John Templeton achieve success?

Yes, Winchester is a small town in TN located at the foot of the Cumberland Plateau. When I was growing up there, and certainly when he grew up there, the town was small enough that most people knew each other. I think what was important was that most people’s standing was measured in terms of their character. Their degree of honesty, and work ethic conferred as least as much, if not more stature as their wealth or intelligence. My great-grandparents instilled Sir John and my grandfather with a sense of purpose in life. Sir John believed that every human is endowed with certain talents and that we have a responsibility to cultivate those talents and share them with the world. He believed from an early age that he had a talent for investing, and so he dedicated most of his adult life to helping people accumulate wealth through their savings by investing on their behalf in the global stock markets. So, I think that while he was very intelligent and a talented investor, he also attached a deeper spiritual meaning to his career as it being his way to help people—which was his ultimate purpose. Later in his life, he rededicated his purpose to help people in spiritual matters, and his efforts there are still being conducted through the foundations he founded, namely the John Templeton Foundation.

7. What do you think are the milestones throughout John Templeton's investment career? What beliefs does he hold that made him a great global investor?

He recognized early in his life the role that human nature plays in the financial markets and how the common elements of human behavior affect security prices. He told me that when he was at Yale, his classmates and friends only invested in U.S.-based stocks, and he considered this view detrimental, whether owed to arrogance or ignorance. He decided from there that he would dedicate his investment career to looking for investments all over the world’s exchanges, and not just in the U.S. The important belief or mindset was one of intellectual humility and the need to explore opportunities where most people are not looking, which is a basic tenet of skilled investors. After he established his career on Wall Street, he became an early pioneer and believer in the spread of mutual funds. His firm launched many mutual funds, and he saw this as a critical matter for the U.S. economy so that the middle class could also enjoy the benefits of capitalism through wealth accumulation in the stock market. He was a fervent believer in the power of free-market-based capitalism as a path toward human progress and prosperity. He thought it was important for these ideas to spread, and he saw that drawing in more participants through mutual funds could help them spread. These two insights led him to become known as the father of global investing. In regard to what made him a great global investor, he understood human behavior, and that it was basically the same across all financial markets, irrespective of geography. It is true that economies differ, property rights differ, accounting practices differ and so on, but human behavior’s role in the markets is a constant and he understood it well enough to exploit its occasional short-sightedness, impulses, emotions, etc. to make wise investments and generate superior returns.

8. How did John Templeton pick companies? What are the similarities and differences between you and him in terms of that?

He was a bottom-up stock picker focused on bargain hunting. His basis for locating bargains was primarily quantitative and methodical. He was focused on finding share prices that were too depressed relative to the probable long-term earnings of the company. He wanted to purchase shares that traded at less than a 2x P/E on earnings ten years into the future. Since I learned from him, our process is primarily the same. We look for bargains and also begin with a quantitative process. One possible difference is that we have applied his methods through additional perspectives of the financial statements, but the core tenets are the same.

9. Both you and your great uncle focus on global value investing. How do you think global value investment should be done well? Do you think value investing is effective in China? How to avoid value traps?

Successful value investing should be focused on locating bargains, and in order to execute it well, the perspective should compare the current share price with the likely performance outcome of the company’s earnings and cash flows. The best opportunities for locating bargains will always be found in markets where short-sighted pessimism is driving the selling process, and the future values are being ignored. In order to find a real bargain and avoid a value trap, it is important to identify the shares in companies that have a reasonably good long-term future. As an investor, you must distinguish between temporary and permanent problems at the company level. Value traps often possess lasting or even permanent problems. If a company has managers that reward themselves at the expense of shareholders, that may represent a sticky problem that will persist well into the future. If a company has a product that is at risk of becoming obsolete, that too is a persistent or perhaps even permanent problem. Companies that have overloaded their balance sheets with debt may not be able to meet their future obligations and will face bankruptcy.

10. Usually when stocks are cheap, clients would panic and tend to redeem money rather than buy more shares. In this situation, asset managers may have to sell rather than buy more stocks. Would you share some experience on how to implement contrarian investing in this situation? And if your clients buy more at panic, how do you manage your positions?

Yes, you describe a common facet of human nature, and certainly a difficult circumstance for professional bargain hunters to manage. The first solution, in our opinion, is the advice of Benjamin Franklin, that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure.” So, at our firm, we are very careful to communicate our process and the role that these market events play in generating attractive returns. We try to make sure that our investors know the deal on the front end, and we are fortunate to be blessed with a client base that has a long-term orientation and understands the necessity of successfully participating in bear markets. To address the mechanics of your question though, our bottom-up process and reliance on share prices versus intrinsic values guide us towards selling as markets become overvalued and purchases when markets become undervalued. In other words, there is a self-correcting mechanism that raises levels of cash on a bottom-up-driven process that is consistent with our philosophy. When we find ourselves in market circumstances where we are fully invested, we will continue searching for even better opportunities than the ones present in our portfolio. Sir John believed it made sense to replace a current holding when you find one “50% better” and so this guideline has been very helpful to us so that we stay continuously focused on locating better bargain opportunities.

11. How to find the “peak of panic”? Or do you even consider this when investing?

No, and unfortunately this cannot be known until it has passed. However, our experience has been that it does not matter as much as most investors believe. During the financial crisis of 2008, we began buying in August of 2008, but the market did not bottom some six months later until March 2009. We continued to search for new and even better bargains across that time period, and this amounted to periodically upgrading our portfolio as the bear market persisted. It led to years of strong investment returns though, and in the final analysis, we were not undermined by an inability to anticipate the bottom of the market. No one can time the market, and Sir John always said “the best time to invest is when you have the money.” He knew that trying to time the markets would lead most investors to make poor decisions.

12. What are the opportunities and challenges of global value investing?

The opportunities come from casting a wider net, but investors also need to appreciate the challenges that come from differing accounting standards and levels of investor protection. In cases where the latter circumstances are unattractive or not transparent diversification or smaller exposures may be appropriate.

13. What do you think of US-listed Chinese stocks and the US-China relationship in the next decade? How does China integrate itself into the next phase of globalization? What are the opportunities and challenges?

The inherent danger through U.S. listed Chinese ADRs is the lack of ownership and property rights to the U.S. investor. The ADRs represent variable interest entities in offshore domiciles that do not represent real ownership in the underlying company. They are de facto tracking stocks. We had always understood these structures, but in mid-2020, we became nervous over the geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China and sold our last remaining ADR in Alibaba, which we had owned since mid-2015. The opportunities from globalization are large and obvious, we can all benefit from the advance of human progress through innovation in a free-enterprise capitalist system. Middle-class Americans enjoy a standard of living that John D. Rockefeller did not, and the Chinese today enjoy standards of living that were unimaginable only forty years ago. The challenges are difficult, however, because from the Western perspective property rights are a component, and these are the fundamental lynchpin of the Western free-enterprise capitalist system. They are fundamental because they support trust and incentivize risk-taking and the entrepreneurial spirit that leads to human progress. When these incentives are dulled, competition erodes, progress slows, and leads a potential stagnation in the standard of living.

14. In the past decade, growth stocks (Tesla, Microsoft, etc.) generally outperformed value stocks. Some people say value investing is dead as investors chasing momentum stocks make decent returns, while contrarian investors had a hard time. What are the drivers behind this phenomenon? Do you think this phenomenon will continue in the next decade?

Sir John always said that “stocks and methods of selection that were most successful in the past ten years often prove unsuccessful in the next ten.” The two major factors supporting the successful tech stocks of the past decade were likely: persistently low-interest rates and the economic evolution towards intangible assets (i.e., the use of new technologies to develop services). Intangible assets carry unique attributes, and one of their most important qualities is their ability to scale rapidly when successful. The differentiating aspect is that the rapid scaling of these assets leads to a winner takes all, or winner takes the most competitive dynamic. Therefore, a company such as Google or Amazon can grow exponentially and dominate their market for services while facing little competition. The role of low-interest rates was critical because it meant that investors had few investment alternatives for comparable returns or growth rates outside of investing in these businesses. This in turn gave investors the mindset to continue supplying capital for these businesses’ growth despite the presence of near-term losses on the income statement. Today, we are facing the emergence of higher interest rates and the more dynamic investment alternatives that accompany them to generate returns. Moreover, old economy firms have learned and adopted the successful cloud-based and AI technologies that are proliferating the economy, and the adoption of these services has been accelerated due to COVID. The competitive dynamics between Disney and Netflix are a great example. Basically, firms outside of the traditional technology plays have found ways to expand their opportunity set, and the potential for additional growth in long-term earnings and cash flows will attract investor capital, potentially at the expense of the firms that dominated the investment landscape of the previous ten years.



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