
发布日期:2025-03-14 10:34:17     作者:走开别管峨     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/fop530650.html     违规举报


这样说来,“吃亏是福”难道真的错了?其实,并不错的,不吃亏的福,与吃亏的福,虽同是“有福” ,含义却大大不同。二者的差别是:不吃亏的福,福气浓烈,但“福兮祸所伏” ;吃亏之福,福味清淡,但福祚长久。福,没有固定和统一的标准,是在相互比较中的一种感受,和粗茶淡饭、平民布衣相比,灯红酒绿、宝马香车的人就是福;和坐牢枪毙的人相比,躬耕陇亩、好好活着就是福。从这个角度说,“吃亏是福”永远没有错。


In fact, it is not wrong. Blessing varies greatly in meaning for two different kinds of people. For those who gain benefits, the blessing is overwhelmingbut there are dangers hidden behind it; for those who suffer losses, the blessing seems light but it lasts longer. There is no fixed and unified standard to define what blessing is. It is a feeling in comparison. In contrast with the common people who live on the plain food, those whoindulge inextravagant pleasure are blessed; in contrast with the people who are imprisoned or have been sentenced to death, those who are capable of farm work or are still alive are blessed. From this point of view, the saying that suffering a loss is a blessing is always right.


blessing:['blesɪŋ] n. 祝福;赐福;祷告

overwhelming:[,ovɚ'wɛlmɪŋ] adj. 势不可挡的;压倒的;无法抗拒的

In contrast with:和……作对比

indulge in:沉溺于……,放纵于……;享受,满足

extravagant:[ɪk'strævəg(ə)nt; ek-] adj. 奢侈的;过度的

imprison:[ɪm'prɪznd] v. 下狱,监禁


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