
发布日期:2025-03-28 05:09:16     作者:温润如他     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/kkr245241.html     违规举报

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Why do traditional cars lack any decent ability to warn the driver that the battery is low or about to die?【译】为什么传统汽车没有足够的能力来警告驾驶员电池电量不足或即将耗尽?【单词】decent ['dee-suhnt]['diːsnt] adj. 相当好的;体面的;适当的;正派的【单词】ability [uh-'bil-i-tee][ə'bɪləti] n. 能力;才能【单词】warn [wawrn][wɔːn] vt. 警告;告诫;预先通知【单词】driver ['drahy-ver]['draɪvə] n. 驾驶员;司机【单词】battery ['bat-uh-ree]['bætərɪ] n. 电池

【单词】die [dahy][daɪ] v. 死;枯竭;消失

You can test a battery if you go under the hood and connect up the right meter to measure the battery integrity but why can't a modern car employ the technology easily?【译】如果你在引擎盖下面连接正确的仪表来测量电池的完整性,你可以测试出电池(的可用寿命),但是为什么现代汽车不能很容易地使用这项技术呢?【单词】hood [hood][hʊd] n. 头巾;兜帽;遮罩;引擎盖

【单词】connect [kuh-'nekt][kə'nekt] v. 连接;接通;联系【单词】meter ['mee-ter]['miːtə] n. 计量器【单词】measure ['mezh-er]['meʒə] v. 测量;比较【单词】integrity [in-'teg-ri-tee][ɪn'teɡrəti] n. 完整;完善【单词】employ [em-'ploi][ɪm'plɔɪ] v. 雇佣;使用

(Or maybe it does and I need a new car)【译】(也许是不容易,而因此我需要买一辆新车就能解决?)【单词】maybe ['mey-bee]['meɪbi] adv. 或许;也许;可能

The technical people answering are technically correct, that a voltmeter would indicate the voltage of a battery, but they're missing what OP is after: when won't a battery work anymore?【译】技术人员的回答在技术上是正确的,电压表可以显示电池的电压,但他们却忽略了楼主的意思:什么时候电池不能工作了?【单词】technical ['tek-ni-kuhl]['teknɪkl] adj. 技术的;专业的;工艺的【单词】technically ['tek-ni-kuhl]['teknɪkli] adv. 技术上;学术上;严密地【单词】correct [kuh-'rekt][kə'rekt] adj. 正确的;得体的【单词】voltmeter ['vohlt-mee-ter]['vəʊltmiːtə] n. 伏特计;电压表【单词】indicate ['in-di-keyt]['ɪndɪkeɪt] v. 指示;象征;显示;暗示,预示 v. 表明;指明【单词】voltage ['vohl-tij]['vəʊltɪdʒ] n. 电压【单词】anymore [en-ee-'mawr, -'mohr]['enɪmɔː] adv. (通常用于疑问句或否定句中,与not连用)再,也,还【专有名词】OP 这里指发帖者(俗称楼主),是Original Poster的简写

In other words, they are wondering "why can't I know the health of my battery?"【译】换句话说,他们想知道“为什么我不能知道我的电池的健康状况?”【单词】wondering 原型:wonder ['wuhn-der]['wʌndə] v. 想知道;怀疑

With car batteries (the 12V lead acid type) the voltage isn't really a good indicator of health.【译】对于汽车电池(12V铅酸型),电压并不是一个很好的健康指标。【单词】lead [leed][liːd] n. 铅

【单词】acid ['as-id]['æsɪd] adj. 酸的;酸性的;尖酸的【单词】indicator ['in-di-key-ter]['ɪndɪkeɪtə] n. 指示器;指示牌

An old dead battery can read ~12V just fine.【译】一个旧的没电的电池可以被测出~12V的电压。

It would likely power most lights and equipment, too.【译】它可能也会为大多数的灯和设备供电。【单词】equipment [ih-'kwip-muhnt][ɪ'kwɪpmənt] n. 设备;装备;器材

The real test of health comes when trying to start the engine; the "load" test.【译】真正的健康测试是在试图启动引擎时,“负载”测试。【单词】engine ['en-juh n]['endʒɪn] n. 发动机;引擎【单词】load [lohd][ləʊd] n. 负荷;重担;装载量

An old battery can read 12V until asked to turn the starter, then immediately drops to an unusable voltage.【译】一个旧电池可以被测出12伏电压,直到要求转动起动机,然后会立即下降到无法使用的电压。【单词】starter ['stahr-ter]['stɑːtə] n. 起动机【单词】unusable [ˌʌn'juːzəbl] adj. 无法使用的

The simple answer is that traditional 12V car batteries do not have the sophisticated tech to indicate their health like, say, laptop batteries.【译】简单的答案是,传统的12V汽车电池没有先进的技术来显示它们的健康状况,比如说笔记本电脑电池。【单词】sophisticated [suh-'fis-ti-key-tid][sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 老练的;精密的;复杂的;久经世故的【单词】tech [tek][tek] n. 技术学校;技术;技术人员【单词】laptop ['lap-top]['læptɒp] n. 便携式电脑;笔记本电脑

Nor is there a good way to test the health except for hooking the battery to a load, which isn't an easy thing to build into a car's circuitry.【译】也没有一个好的方法来测试健康状况,除了把电池挂在负载上,也不是很容易在汽车的电路中实现(这种方式)。【单词】except [ik-'sept][ɪk'sept] prep. 除了 ... 之外 conj. 除非;除了 ... 之外;若不是【单词】hooking 原型:hook [hook][hʊk] v. 钩住;弯成(钩状)【单词】build [bild][bɪld] v. 建造;开发;创建【单词】circuitry ['sur-ki-tree]['sɜːkɪtri] n. 电路

Basically, starting the engine IS the load test.【译】基本上,启动发动机就是负载测试。【单词】Basically 原型:basically 副词 ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地

Edit: To all those asking why a load tester couldn't be added into the hardware or software of a car: it could.【译】订正:对于那些问为什么不能在汽车的硬件或软件中添加负载测试仪的人:它可以。【单词】Edit 原型:edit 动词原形 ['ed-it]['edɪt] vt. 剪辑;编辑;校订【单词】tester ['tes-ter]['testə] n. 测试员;测试器【单词】hardware ['hahrd-wair]['hɑːdweə] [计] 硬件;武器装备

Nearly anything is possible with time and money.【译】只要时间和金钱,几乎任何事情都有可能。

But I agree with the comments from those in the industry; it comes down to three basic things:【译】但我同意业内人士的评论;归结起来有三点:【单词】agree [uh-'gree][ə'ɡriː] v. 同意;赞成;承认【单词】comments 原型:comment ['kom-ent]['kɒment] n. 注释;评论

1) Added cost (automotive margins are very thin) 2) Added complexity and engineering effort for nearly no return (exactly who would truly want this?) 3) Service side (auto companies do not wish customers to have to think about maintenance beyond knowing to take the vehicle in when the light turns on)【译】1) 增加了成本(汽车利润非常微薄)2)增加了复杂性和工程设计,几乎没有回报(到底谁会真正想要这个?)3) 服务端的问题(汽车公司不想让使用者在车灯还能打开时考虑太多维修方面的问题)【单词】automotive [aw-tuh-'moh-tiv][ˌɔːtə'məʊtɪv] adj. 汽车的;机动的;自驱推进的【单词】margins 原型:margin ['mahr-jin]['mɑːdʒɪn] n. 边缘;余地;幅度;利润;差额【单词】thin [thin][θɪn] adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的【单词】complexity [kuhm-'plek-si-tee][kəm'pleksəti] n. 复杂;复杂性;复杂的事物【单词】engineering 原型:engineer [en-juh-'neer][ˌendʒɪ'nɪə] vt. 设计;建造;策划【单词】effort ['ef-ert]['efət] n. 努力;努力的成果【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 精确地;确切地;完全地;严密地;正是【单词】truly ['troo-lee]['truːli] adv. 真实地;真诚地;正确地【单词】auto ['aw-toh]['ɔːtəʊ] n. 汽车 pref. 自动的【单词】maintenance ['meyn-tuh-nuhns]['meɪntənəns] n. 维修;维护;保持【单词】vehicle ['vee-i-kuh l or, sometimes, 'vee-hi-]['viːɪkl] n. 车辆;交通工具

I work in the auto industry on the software side and this is the most accurate answer I've seen so far.【译】我在汽车行业从事软件方面的工作,这是迄今为止我见过的最准确的答案。【单词】accurate ['ak-yer-it]['ækjərət] adj. 准确的;精确的

Realistically if we wanted to do this without the car randomly loading the battery itself to test, we could design a feature that checks cranking amps during normal startup and compares it to an experimental value that is near the operating limit, but this isn't done because if the operator is requesting a startup they are probably in the vehicle, minus remote start. and if the turnover feels/sounds sluggish, then your battery is probably getting old and is ready to be replaced soon.【译】实际上,如果我们想在不让汽车随机加载电池的情况下进行测试,我们可以设计一个功能,在正常启动期间检查启动电流,并将其与接近工作极限的实验值进行比较,但要求启动车辆的时候驾驶者可能就在车内,而不是远程启动。如果你的电池觉得运行缓慢,那么你的电池可能已经老化,很快就要更换了。【短语】ready to do ... 准备好做...;例句:The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。【单词】Realistically 原型:realistically [ree-uh-'lis-tik][ˌriːə'lɪstɪkli] adv. 实际地;现实地;逼真地【单词】randomly ['ran-duhm]['rændəmli] adv. 任意地;随便地;胡乱地【单词】feature ['fee-cher]['fiːtʃə] n. 特征;特性,功能【单词】cranking 原型:crank [krangk][kræŋk] v. 用曲柄启动或转动【单词】amps 原型:amp [amp][æmp] n. 安培数【单词】startup ['stahrt-uhp]['stɑːtʌp] n. 开动;出发【单词】compares 原型:compare [kuh m-'pair][kəm'peə] v. 比较;对比【单词】experimental [ik-sper-uh-'men-tl][ɪkˌsperɪ'mentl] adj. 实验的;实验性的;试验性的【单词】operating 原型:operate ['op-uh-reyt]['ɒpəreɪt] v. 操作;运转【单词】limit ['lim-it]['lɪmɪt] n. 限度;限制;界限【单词】operator ['op-uh-rey-ter]['ɒpəreɪtə] n. 操作员【单词】requesting 原型:request [ri-'kwest][rɪ'kwest] vt. 请求;要求【单词】minus ['mahy-nuhs]['maɪnəs] adj. 负的;减的 prep. 减去【单词】remote [ri-'moht][rɪ'məʊt] adj. 遥远的;远程的【单词】turnover ['turn-oh-ver]['tɜːnəʊvə] n. 营业额;流动;成交量;翻覆【单词】sluggish ['sluhg-ish]['slʌɡɪʃ] adj. 缓慢的;懒惰的;迟钝的【单词】ready ['red-ee]['redi] adj. 准备好的;现成的;乐意的;情愿的【单词】replaced 原型:replace [ri-'pleys][rɪ'pleɪs] vt. 取代;替换

It's easily implemented to check but very near the bottom of features that sell a car.【译】检查功能很容易实现,但对于出售汽车来说,这是非常接近于最不需要的功能的。【单词】implemented 原型:implement ['im-pluh-ment, -muhnt]['ɪmplɪmənt] vt. 实施;执行【单词】bottom ['bot-uh m]['bɒtəm] n. 底部;底端

When we're working on a new program, so often do we scrap a feature I think is awesome simply because market research says it's not worth the money.【译】当我们在开发一个新的程序时,我们经常会放弃一个认为很棒的功能,仅仅是因为市场调查表明它不值钱。【单词】program ['proh-gram]['prəʊɡræm] n. 程序【单词】scrap [skrap][skræp] v. 报废;舍弃【单词】awesome ['aw-suh m]['ɔːsəm] adj. 表示敬畏的;了不起的;精彩的,绝妙的


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