
发布日期:2025-03-31 09:05:48     作者:死一般寂静     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/qxr151601.html     违规举报

each [iːtʃ] a.& pron.每人,每个,每件,今天小编就来聊一聊关于高考必备英语词汇3500词?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!


each [iːtʃ] a.& pron.每人,每个,每件

eager [ˈiːɡə(r)] a. 渴望的,热切的

be eager for sth

be eager to do

eagle [ˈiːɡ(ə)l] n. 鹰

ear [ɪə(r)] n.耳朵,耳状物;听力, 听觉

early [ɜːlɪ] a. 早的 ad. 早地

earn [ɜːn]vt. 挣得, 赚得

earn a living /earn one’s living 谋生

she earns the respect of her students.

earth [ɜːθ] n. 地球;土, 泥;大地

earthquake [ˈɜːθkweɪk] n. 地震

ease [iːz]v. 减轻;缓解(难度或严重程度)

easily [ˈiːzɪlɪ] ad. 容易地

east [iːst]a. 东方;东部的;朝东的;从东方来 ad. 在东方;向东方;从东方 n. 东, 东方;东部

Easter [ˈiːstə(r)] n. 复活节

eastern [ˈiːst(ə)n] a. 东方的;东部的

eastwards [ˈiːstwədz] ad. 向东

easy [ˈiːzɪ] a. 容易的, 不费力的

Easier said than done 说时容易做时难。

Take it easy. 别急/放松。

easy-going [ˈiːzɪ-ˈɡəʊɪŋ] a. 随和的

eat (ate, eaten) [iːt] v. 吃

ecology [ɪˈkɔlədʒɪ] n. 生态, 生态学

edge [edʒ] n. 边缘

edition [ɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n]n.(发行物的)版, 版(本)

editor [ˈedɪtə(r)] n. 编辑

educate [ˈedjʊkeɪt] vt. 教育, 培养

educated a. 受过教育的

an educated person

educator ['edju:keitə(r)] n. 教育家

education [edjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 教育, 培养

receive a good education

effect [ɪˈfekt] n. 效果;作用

cause and effect 因果

bring sth into effect 使......生效

come into effect 生效

take effect 开始起作用,见效

have a… effect on sb/sth 对某人/某物有…...的影响

The medicine soon took effect.

New controls come into effect next month.

Does television have an effect an children’s behaviour?

affect v. 影响,感动

Does television affect children’s behaviour?

effort [ˈefət]n. 努力, 艰难的尝试

make an effort /make every effort/ make efforts做出努力

spare no effort(s) to do sth. 不遗余力做某事

egg [eɡ] n. 蛋;卵

eggplant [ˈeɡplɑːnt]n. 茄子

Egypt [ˈiːdʒɪpt] n. 埃及

Egyptian [ɪˈdʒɪpʃ(ə)n] a. 埃及的;埃及人的;埃及语的 n. 埃及人

eight [eɪt] num. 八

eighteen [ˈeɪˈtiːn]num. 十八

eighth [eɪtθ] num. 第八

eighty [ˈeɪtɪ] num. 八十

either [ˈaɪðə(r)] a. 两方任一方的;二者之一 conj. 二者之一;要么……

ad. [æd] (用于否定句或短语后)也

elder [ˈeldə(r)] n. 长者;前辈

elder sister 大姐

Children have no respect for their elders nowadays.

elect [ɪˈlekt] vt. (投票)选举

elect sb. (as)…

election n. 选举;当选;选择权

win/lose a election

run for election 参加竞选

electric [ɪˈlektrɪk] a. 电的

electric current 电流

electric shock 电击

electric blanket

electrical [ɪˈlektrɪk(ə)l] a. 电的;电器的

electrical equipment 电器设备

electricity [ɪlekˈtrɪsɪtɪ] n. 电;电流

electronic [ɪlekˈtrɔnɪk] a. 电子的

electronic calendar 电子日历

elegant [ˈelɪɡənt] a.文雅的,漂亮的,精美的

elephant [ˈelɪfənt] n. 象

eleven [ɪˈlev(ə)n] num. 十一

else [els] ad. 别的, 其他的

or else 否则

You can use somebody else’s car.

Who else can do it?

e-mail/e [iː-meɪl]] n. 电子邮件

embarrass [ɪmˈbærəs] v.使窘迫, 尴尬

embarrassed 感到尴尬的

embarrassing 令人尴尬的

embarrassment 尴尬

feel embarrassed about

embassy [ˈembəsɪ] n. 大使馆

emergency [ɪˈmɜːdʒənsɪ] n.紧急情况或状态

in case of (an) emergency 假使有紧急情况

emperor [ˈempərə(r)] n. 皇帝

empire [ˈempaɪə(r)] n. 帝国

employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ] vt. 雇佣

empty [ˈemptɪ] a. 空的

encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] vt. 鼓励

encourage v.鼓励

encourage sb to do sth

encouragement [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt] n. 鼓励

end [end] n. 末尾;终点;结束 v. 结束, 终止

bring sth to an end=put an end to sth 结束某事

end up doing 结果......

come to an end 结束

end up with 以......结束

ending [ˈendɪŋ] n. 结局;结尾, 最后

endless [ˈendlɪs] a. 无止境的; 没完的

enemy [ˈenɪmɪ] n. 敌人;敌军

energetic [enəˈdʒetɪk] a. 精力旺盛的

energy [ˈenədʒɪ]n. 精力, 能量

be full of energy

energetically adv.

engine [ˈendʒɪn] n. 发动机, 引擎

engineer [endʒɪˈnɪə(r)] n. 工程师;技师

England [ˈɪŋɡlənd] n. 英格兰

English [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] a. 英国的, 英国人的, 英语的 n. 英语

English-speaking [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ-spiːk] a.说英语的

enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] vt.欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢

enjoyable [ɪnˈdʒɔɪəb(ə)l]a. 愉快的;有趣的

enlarge [ɪnˈlɑːdʒ]vt. 扩大

enough [ɪˈnʌf] n. 足够;充足 a. 足够;充分的 ad. 足够地;充分地

I can’t thank you enough.=I can’t thank you too much. 再怎么感谢你都不够(我非常感谢你)。

old enough to go to school 足够大了可以去上学了

There are enough chairs for the guests.

enquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪərɪ] n. 询问

enter [ˈentə(r)] vt. 进入

entrance 入口,入学

enter a room

enter for… 报名参加…

enter the competition 参加比赛

the entrance to the hall 大厅入口

the college entrance exanimation 大学入学考试

enterprise [ˈentəpraɪz] n.公司, 企, 事业单位

entertainment [entəˈteɪnmənt] n. 娱乐

enthusiastic [ɪnθjuːzɪˈæstɪk] a.热情的, 热心的

be enthusiastic about

enthusiastically adv.

entire [ɪnˈtaɪə(r)] a. 整个的, 全部的

entrance [ˈentrəns] n. 入口;入场;进入的权利;入学许可

entry [ˈentrɪ] n. 进入

You should add an entry to this section.


envelope [ˈenvələʊp] n. 信封

environment [ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt] n.环境

protect the environment

environmentally friendly 环保的

envy [ˈenvɪ] vt.& n. 忌妒; 羡慕

envy sb sth

the envy of sb 某人羡慕/嫉妒的人/物

equal [ˈiːkw(ə)l] a.平等的 vt.等于, 使等于

be equal to sth/doing

He has no equal in music.


equality [iːˈkwɔlətɪ] n. 平等

equip [ɪˈkwɪp] vt. 提供设备;装备;配备

equip…with... 用......装备......

be fully equipped 装备齐全的

The course is designed to equip(训练)students for a career in nursing.

equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] n. 装备, 设备 (不可数)

a piece of equipment 一件设备

eraser [ɪˈreɪzə(r)] n. 橡皮擦;黑板擦

error [ˈerə(r)] n. 错误;差错

erupt [ɪˈrʌpt] v.(火山)爆发, 喷发

escape [ɪˈskeɪp] n.& vi. 逃跑;逃脱

escape n/doing 逃脱…...

escape from...… 逃离(地点)

a narrow escape 九死一生

especially [ɪˈspeʃəlɪ] ad. 特别, 尤其

essay [ˈeseɪ] n. 散文;文章;随笔

Europe* [ˈjʊərəp] n. 欧洲

European [jʊərəˈpiːən] a. 欧洲的, 欧洲人的 n. 欧洲人

evaluate [ɪˈvæljʊeɪt] v.估值, 评价, 评估

even [ˈiːv(ə)n] ad. 甚至, 连(…都);更

evening [ˈiːvnɪŋ] n. 傍晚, 晚上

event [ ɪ'vent] n. 事件, 大事

eventually [ɪˈventjʊəlɪ] ad.最终地

ever [ˈevə(r)] ad. 曾经;无论何时

every [ˈevrɪ] a. 每一, 每个的

everybody pron. 每人, 人人

everyday [ˈevrɪbɔdɪ] a. 每日的;日常的

every other day= every second day= every two days 每隔一天/每两天

every few days 每几天

everyone [ˈevrɪwʌn] pron. 每人, 人人

everything [ˈevrɪθɪŋ] pron. 每件事, 事事

everywhere [ˈevrɪweə(r)] ad. 到处

evidence [ˈevɪdəns] n. 证据, 证明

evident [ˈevɪdənt] a.清楚的, 显而易见的

evolution [iːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n; (US) ev-] n. 进化, 演变

exact [ɪɡˈzækt] a. 精确的;确切的

to be exact 确切的说

exactly [ex'act·ly] ad. 精确地;确切地

This is exactly what he needs.

exam = examination [ɪɡzæmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] n. 考试, 测试;检查;审查

examine [ɪɡˈzæmɪn]vt. 检查;诊察

have one’s eyes examined 检查某人的视力

example [ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l; (US) ɪɡˈzæmpl] n. 例子;榜样

set an example to/for sb 为某人树立榜样

take sth for example 以......为榜样

follow sb’s example 以某人为榜样

excellent [ˈeksələnt] a. 极好的, 优秀的

except [ɪkˈsept]prep. 除……之外

His composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.

I didn’t tell him anything except that I needed the money.

exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]n. 交换, 掉换;交流

1)fair exchange 公平的交换

2) in exchange 作为交换

He gave me a book and I gave him a pen in exchange.

3) in exchange for sth 和...…交换

I took his watch in exchange for camera.

4)exchange A for B =exchange B with A

exchange greetings

excite [ɪkˈsaɪt]vt. 使兴奋, 使激动

If the loud noise excites the lion, he may attack you.

excited adj.感到兴奋的

exciting adj.令人兴奋的

We are excited to hear the exciting news.

in an excited voice

excuse [ɪkˈskjuːz] n.借口.辩解 vt.原谅.宽恕

exercise [ˈeksəsaɪz]n. 锻炼, 做操;练习, 习题 vi. 锻炼

exhibition [eksɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n] n. 展览;展览会

exist [ɪg'zɪst] vi. 存在

There exists no life on the moon.

existence n. 存在

come into existence 开始存在,成立

be in existence 存在

existence [ɪɡˈzɪst(ə)ns] n.存在;生存;存在物

exit [ˈeksɪt] n. 出口, 太平门

expand [ɪkˈspænd] v.扩大, 增加, 扩展

expect [ɪkˈspekt] vt. 预料;盼望;认为

You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a few months.

expect sth of/from sb.

expect too much of sb

I expect so. 我希望如此。

I don’t expect so. 我不希望如此。

expectation [ekspekˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 预料;期望

beyond (all) expectation(s) 出乎意料

contrary to (all) expectations 和预料相反

come up to one’s expectations 达到某人期望的水平

in expectation of 期望/预计(有某种情况)

He closed the windows in expectation of rain. 他预计有雨,关上了窗户。

expense [ɪkˈspens] n. 消费; 支出

expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] a. 昂贵的

experience [ɪkˈspɪərɪəns] n. 经验;经历

experience a different culture

experienced adj.有经验的

be experienced in sth/doing=have experience in sth/ doing

experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] n. 实验

make/do/perform/carry out an experiment

experiment on/upon/with 对......进行试验

expert [ˈekspɜːt] n. 专家, 能手

He is an expert cook.

be expert at

He is expert at playing the piano.

explain [ɪksˈpleɪn] vt. 解释, 说明

explain sth to sb

explanation n. 解释

explanation [ekspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n] n. 解释, 说明

explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] a.清楚明白,易于理解的

explode [ɪkˈspləʊd] v. (使)爆炸

exploit vt.开采.开发.利用.剥削

In the past, farmers were exploited by landlords(地主).

We must exploit the country s mineral resources

exploitation n.

explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)] v. 探险

explore sth for sth

exploration n.

oil exploration

explorer [ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)] n. 探险者

export[ɪkˈspɔːt] n. / v.出口, 输出

expose [ɪkˈspəʊz; (US) ekspəˈzeɪ] vt. 揭露

My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.

He smiled,exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.

Don’t expose a baby to strong sunlight.

express [ɪkˈspres] vt. 表达;表示;表情 n. 快车, 特快专递

You are free to express yourselves in class.

expression [ɪkˈspreʃ(ə)n]n. 表达;词句;表示, 说法;表情

have a worried(感到担心的)expression on one’s face.

extension [ɪkˈstenʃ(ə)n] n.扩大, 延伸

extra[ˈekstrə] a. 额外的, 外加的

extraordinary[ɪkˈstrɔːdɪnərɪ; (US) -dənerɪ] a. 离奇的;使人惊奇的

extreme [ɪkˈstriːm] a. 极其的, 非常的

extremely [ɪkˈstriːmlɪ] ad. 极其, 非常

eye [aɪ] n. 眼睛

have an eye for sth 对…...有鉴赏力

keep an eye on sb/sth 照看/留意......

catch one’s eye 吸引某人注意力

eyesight [ˈaɪsaɪt]n. 视力;视觉

eyewitness [ˈaɪwɪtnɪs] n. 目击证人


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