
发布日期:2025-03-28 04:12:38     作者:賊厷紫     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/wgd186281.html     违规举报





Can video games actually make you smarter?


Before we get ahead of ourselves, it's important to note that too much of anything is bad, even broccoli.

在我们超越自己之前 要知道 任何事情过度了都是不好的 即使是西兰花 意识到这一点很重要

Seriously, extremely high doses broccoli can actually be toxic.

说真的 高剂量的西兰花实际上是有毒的

Heck even water toxicity exist.

同样 水中毒也是存在的

So if you binge and do nothing but play video games, the risks probably outweigh any benefits.

因此 如果你只是沉迷于游戏 而什么都不做的话 那么就是弊大于利

In fact, we have an entire video devoted to what would happen if you stopped going outside and the negative effects of sitting.

事实上 我们有关于"如果你停止外出会发生什么"和"久坐不利于健康"的主题的视频

In a small study, dyslexic children who played regular video games ended up reading faster and more accurately,

在一项小型研究中发现 经常玩电子游戏的有阅读障碍的儿童 最终阅读速度更快 更准确

once again relating to improved attention skills.

这项研究再一次说明了 玩电子游戏与提高注意力技能是相关的

Meanwhile, other studies have found improvements in eyesight.

与此同时 其他的研究还发现了玩电子游戏可以改善视力

Not only can they see smaller details more clearly, like tiny writing,

他们不仅能更清楚地看到小细节 比如小字

but they have an easier time differentiating levels of grey.


Very practiced action gamers were 58% better at perceiving fine differences in contrast.

在细微事物中发现差别这一方面的能力 熟练的动作游戏玩家要比其他人强58%

Which is important as this is one of the first things to diminish with age.

这个能力很重要 因为这是第一个会随着年龄增长而减少的东西

Even in the elderly, improved memory and focus is seen.

不过 即使是老年人 记忆力和注意力也得到了相应的改善

More importantly, specially designed brain teasing video games have been shown to slow the aging process of the brain by up to seven years.

更重要的是 经过专门设计的益智类电子游戏 已经被证明可以延缓大脑衰老长达7年之久

This is because they are cognitively complex and require mental energy.

这是因为 这类游戏的认知更加复杂 需要精神能量

Think you're able to keep track of what's in front of your eyes?



Keep an eye on the blue circle here.


Eventually it will turn yellow like all the others.

到最后 它会变成和其他圆圈一样的黄色

I will then point to a circle, and you tell me if it was originally blue.

过后我会随机指着一个圆圈 然后你告诉我这是不是一开始的那个蓝色

If you knew this ball wasn't blue, then you're a functioning human being.

如果你知道这个圆圈不是蓝色的 那么你就是一个正常的人类

But lets make it harder.


Staring at the middle of the screen can help to keep track of the blue circles.

盯住屏幕的中间 可以帮助你更好的追踪蓝色圆圈

Was this circle originally blue?


If you said no, you'd be right.

如果你认为不是 那你是对的

One more time, but with 5 blue circles.

再来一次 不过这次有5个蓝色圆圈

Was this one originally blue?


Yup, it was.


It turns out, the average person can track about 3-4 objects, while a practiced action gamer can track around 6-7.

结果表明 普通人可以同时跟踪3-4个物体 而熟练的动作游戏玩家可以跟踪6-7个物体

Finally, as technology continues to transform medicine,

最后 随着科技继续改变医学的发展

surgeries are being completed with the insertion of cameras and remote controlled tools.


And these surgeries have very clear parallels to video games, with a screen and controlling device.

这些手术和电子游戏有很明显的相似之处 都有屏幕和控制装置

Not surprisingly, young doctors with previous exposure to video games show fewer errors and faster completion than those without.

一点也不奇怪的是 以前接触过电子游戏的年轻医生比没有接触过的医生犯错误更少 完成得更快

Of course, all of these skills are only useful if you use them, which you can't if all you do is play video games.

当然 所有这些技能只有在你使用的时候才有用 但如果你只是玩电子游戏 那就没用了

So enjoy your down time and relax with your games in moderation,

所以 请享受你的休息时间 适度放松的玩游戏

but get out there and keep your life diverse as well,

但也要多出去走走 保持你的生活多样化

because that's how you'll win at the game of life.

因为只有这样 你才能在人生的游戏中获胜





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