
发布日期:2025-03-28 09:14:36     作者:一剑留香     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/ivu470932.html     违规举报


Before you write an email写邮件前你应该知道的事情

1. Invest some small money to find someone to write documents for your company.花些小钱,请专业的外籍人士来问公司写好邮件模板很有意思。

2. The expectation of doing business with emails is low. The first email is to build connection between you and the prospect.其实,通过邮件就做成生意,买家可没这种期望值。所以,你也应该降低你通过几封邮件就做成生意的期望值。邮件,尤其是开发信,应该是一封建立关系的邮件。

3. Chinese sales have problem in sales process.需要指出的是,中国的销售人员很多人都在销售过程上出问题。过于急功近利,忽视前期铺垫,中期顺水推舟,后期服务。

4. If they don’t want your products, don’t be too aggressive by sending piles of emails to them. You can: 如果你感觉这个潜在客户不需要你的产品,别太咄咄逼人。你可以:

- Connect network (e.g. Linkedin, facebook) 通过Linkedin和facebook等社交媒体,先与对方建立联系;

- Get their permission of updating them 想办法让对方同意你定期给他发送最新消息。(也就是说,面对一开始就很抗拒的客户,要像追女孩一样,先在她面前常常出现,让他慢慢适应你的存在。建立关系后再进行销售。)

5. What’s the purpose of this email? Is it a: 想清楚你要写的这封邮件的目的。是项目总结?项目计划?报告?自我介绍?你应该想清楚你每封邮件的目的,你不可能在一封邮件把所有的目的都实现,因此,应该细分每一封邮件的目的,做到言之有物。)

- Project summary?

- Project planning?

- Report?

- Introduction?

You can never fulfill all purposes in one email.

很多人写邮件,没有想好这封邮件到底起什么作用。永远别指望第一封邮件就跟别人做生意。(Never say: “I want to have long term corporation with you.”),就如同你跟一个姑娘第一次见面就说“希望你能嫁给我”。第一次见面,第一封邮件,只不过是要给对方留个好印象,然后顺势告诉对方接下来要干什么(电话详细沟通/样品索取/见面,等等:let’s continue our great conversation; Let’s go into a meeting.)。



Experienced supplier for 15 years looking for Strategic Partners

Strong supply base in China

Canton meeting request

China sourcing

Greeting 寒暄

邮件开头的寒暄只是寒暄,不需要过多个人化(How are you doing之类的自来熟就不要用了)。一般用Hope this email finds you well就很好了(意思类似“见信安”)。但是如果对方你从来不认识,就不要用这句,直接说明来意即可。

Be straightforward 直截了当

Make yourself clear.中国人喜欢寒暄,所以邮件写了半天都还没有进入正文。在跟老外的商业邮件中,建议直截了当说明来意,don’t waste time.别浪费对方的时间。你可以这么说:I am writing for the possible corporation between…; I am writing for …

"This is Becky from …."开文的自我介绍有没有必要

This is not a personal email. If you are not someone big, no need. They will find your name at the end of the email.商务邮件不同于私人邮件。如果你的职位不高,没必要在一开始介绍自己是谁,你的信息对方会在邮件落款看到这些信息。如果你是Director,那么就可以说This is Becky, Sales Director of XXX company.

About Questions关于问问题

Don’t ask questions in the middle but at the end.不要在邮件开头或中间提问,要问就放到最后问:"I have some questions below: “

Be polite but not humble 措辞礼貌,不卑不亢

Don’t say “friendship”. Friends are not everywhere. You just know each other, how can you call them friends.邮件里面很多人喜欢用“Friendship”之类的词,美国老总的建议是“别太自来熟”。


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