
发布日期:2025-03-20 03:24:57     作者:噌經好美     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/life/jhz499533.html     违规举报

Strategy No. 1 Don't say, “I'm fine, thank you. And you?”

英语会话策略1:开口别说“I'm fine, thank you. And you?”。

这个表达是包括中国人在内的,所有初学英语的老外们的标配口语句型。切记切记,千万别对着英语国家的人就开背。他们会怎么想呢?他们的真实想法是:这个人的英语实在不咋地,我就尽量显得礼貌点儿,语速慢点,然后尽快逃离。(“When I hear that, I think their English isn't that good. And, inside, I'm just going to be really polite and say, “Hello,” and talk slowly and try to get out of there as quick as I can.”)


“How are you?”

“How are you doing?”

“How are you going?”

“Hey, what’s up?”


“I'm good!”

“I’m all right!”

“I’m pretty good!”


“I’m doing good!”

“I’m doing fine!”

“Not bad!” (意思是还不错)

“I’m hanging in there.” (hang in there坚持;不气馁)

Average. Not terrific(极好), not terrible(极糟), just average.

So far, so good!(目前尚好)


“I’ve been better.” (情形有所好转)

“I’ve never been better.” (从来没有更好过;再好不过了)


Somewhere between better and best.

All the better now that you asked. (你一相问我便安好)

Much better now that you are with me.(有你相伴顿觉甚好)

Armed and ready! (全副武装,严阵以待!)

My lawyer says I don’t have to answer that question.

Like you, but better. (同病相怜)

I could really go for a massage. (马杀鸡)

I'd say I'm a [输入一个数字] out of 10.

I was fine until you asked.(你若不问我便安好)

I can't complain! It's against the Company Policy. (抱怨?/投诉?)

Happy and content, thank you. (乐而知足)

If I had a tail, I would wag it. (如果有条尾巴,我真想摇一摇它)

I have a pulse, so I must be okay.(脉搏还在,应该还好!)

Medium(中等) well!(煎牛排吗?七分熟)

To really impress the foreigner, the tip is:

Use a big word or a slang(俚语) word.


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