
发布日期:2025-03-20 06:55:57     作者:流风不栀     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/ekz413868.html     违规举报

编者按/精读指导:成人英语学习应该有更多的主动性,在高中英语的基础上,应该尽快进入英语原著和英文报纸的阅读,这样才能尽快的提升英语水平。因为英语原著和英语报纸,不同于中学的考试,其中的内容都是英语的实际应用。我会和朋友们一起分享英语原著《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily)上面的英文报道。


大脑封闭术课的英文原著共8页,我们会上8次课,讲述斯内普教授第一次给哈利上哈利大脑封闭术课,晚上六点钟哈利怀着恐惧的心情来到斯内普教授的办公室 (Lesson 30),针对哈利的提问,斯内普教授向哈利解释摄神取念(Legilimency)与读心术(mind-reading)的不同之处(Lesson 31),哈利可以在大脑放松的情况下,侵入伏地魔的大脑,探知其思想和情感(Lesson 32); 斯内普教授一针见血地指出,伏地魔意识到哈利可以侵入他的大脑,他可能进行相反的操作,进入哈利的大脑,控制哈利做事(Lesson 33)。Lesson 34选自英文版 Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix第24章第493页,在的大脑封闭术训练中,哈利开始回忆起5岁开始的经历。

本课学习要注意temple [太阳穴; 鬓角; 颞颥; 颞部]的另一个含义是 ‘庙宇,寺院’;apprehensively [忧虑地;担心地]这个比较长的单词,大家要练习在写作中使用,我们来看文中的用法:

‘And what are you going to do?’ Harry asked, eyeing Snape’s wand apprehensively (2014e, 493).

‘Is that likely?’ Harry asked apprehensively, but Moody ignored him (2014e, 51).

[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chap 24] page 493

[Sunday, February 13, 2022]

temple [ˈtempl] n: (太阳穴; 鬓角; 颞颥; 颞部). [2014b: 2; 2014e: 493; Unschuld 2016: 193]

tip [tɪp] n: (尖端;尖儿;端) [2014e: 493]

greasy [ˈɡriːsi] adj: (油性的; 多脂的) [2014e: 479]

withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] v: to move back or away from a place or situation; to make sb/sth do this. ([使]撤回,撤离;抽) SYN: pull out (of sth) [2014b: 164; 2014e: 493]

stretch [stretʃ] v: ~ sth (拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松) [2014e: 493]

gossamer [ˈɡɒsəmə(r)] n: (蛛丝) [2014e: 493]

strand [strænd] n: ([线、绳、金属线、毛发等的]股,缕) [2014e: 493; 2014g: 284]

graceful [ˈɡreɪsfl] adj: (优美的;优雅的;雅致的)

gracefully [ˈɡreɪsfəli] adv: [2014e: 493]

swirl [swɜːl] v: to move around quickly in a circle; to make sth do this. ([使]打旋,旋动,起漩涡) [2014d: 492; 2014e: 493; 2014f: 252]

deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] v: ~ sb/sth adv./prep. to put or lay sb/sth down in a particular place. (放下;放置) [2014e: 107]

deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] v: ~ sth (使沉积;使沉淀;使淤积) [2014e: 493]

at the ready: available to be used immediately. (随时可用;即可使用) [2014e: 493]

foot [fʊt] n (pl. feet): ([人或动物的]脚,足) [2014e: 113]

get/rise to your feet (=stand up) (起立;站起来) [2014d: 229; 2014e: 113]

attempt [əˈtempt] v: (努力; 尝试; 试图) [2014d: 553; 2014e: 493]

disarm [dɪsˈɑːm] v: ~ sb (缴[某人]的械; 解除[某人]的武装) [2014e: 493]

defend [dɪˈfend] v: (防御;保护;保卫) [2014e: 493]

apprehensive [ˌæprɪˈhensɪv] adj: (忧虑的;担心的;疑惧的;恐惧的)

apprehensively adv: [2014b: 244; 2014e: 51]

softly [ˈsɒftli] adv: (轻轻地; 轻柔地; 温和地; 柔和地) [2014e: 493]

aptitude [ˈæptɪtjuːd] n: (天资; 天生的才能;天赋) SYN: talent. [2014e: 493]

resist [rɪˈzɪst] v: (反抗;回击;抵抗) [2014e: 493]

Imperius Curse [imperio] (夺魂咒) (2014d: 179; 2014e: 493; 2014f: 35; 2014g: 432)

brace [breɪs] v: ~ sb/yourself (for sth) | ~ sb/yourself (to do sth) to prepare sb/yourself for sth difficult or unpleasant that is going to happen. ([为困难或坏事]使做准备;使防备). [2014e: 493; 2014g: 401]

strike [straɪk] (struck, struck) v: (突击;攻击) [2014b: 205; 2014e: 493]

strike [straɪk] (struck, struck) v: ~ sb/sth (sth) (formal) (打; 击) [2014e: 493]

summon [ˈsʌmən] v: ~ sth (formal) to call for or try to obtain sth. (吁求;请求;争取) [2014e: 493]

resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns] n: (抵抗; 反抗) [2014e: 493]

swim [swɪm] v: to feel confused and /or as if everything is spinning around. (眩晕;感觉天旋地转) [2014a: 76; 2014e: 493].

vanish [ˈvænɪʃ] v: to disappear suddenly and /or in a way that you cannot explain. ([莫名其妙地]突然消失). [2014a: 19; 2014e: 245]

race [reɪs] v: ([因为害怕、兴奋等]急速跳动,快速转动) [2014e: 493]

flicker [ˈflɪkə(r)] v: (闪现;一闪而过) [2014e: 493]

vivid [ˈvɪvɪd] adj: (清晰的; 生动的; 逼真的) SYN: graphic. [2014e: 493]

blind [blaɪnd] v: (使眼花;使目眩) [2014e: 493]

surroundings [səˈraʊndɪŋz] n: (环境) SYN: environment. [2014e: 493]

burst [bɜːst] v: be bursting (with sth) (爆满;涨满) [2014e: 493]

jealousy [ˈdʒeləsi] n: (忌妒;妒羡;羡慕) [2014e: 493]

ripper [ˈrɪpə(r)] n: (informal) (滑雪板运动高手) [2014e: 493]

bulldog [ˈbʊldɒɡ] n: (斗牛狗,牛头犬[头大鼻短平、脖子粗短]) [2014e: 493]

chase [tʃeɪs] v: to run, drive, etc. after sb/sth in order to catch them. (追赶;追逐;追捕). [2014a: 26; 2014b: 211; 2014e: 167]

lawn [lɔːn] n: (草坪;草地) [2014b: 74; 2014e: 51]

sort [sɔːt] v: (整理;把…分类) [2014a: 122; 2014e: 493]

lie [laɪ] v (lies, lying, lay, lain): (躺; 平躺; 平卧). [9A: 157; 2014e: 235; 2014g: 400]

draw [drɔː] v: adv/prep. to move in the direction mentioned. ([向某个方向]移动,行进). [2014a: 68; 2014b: 232]

misteltoe [ˈmɪsltəʊ] n: a plant with small shiny white BERRIES that grows on other trees and is often used as a decoration at Christmas. (槲寄生[结白色小浆果,寄生于其他树木,常用于圣诞节装饰]). [2014b: 224; 2014c: 235; 2014d: 350; 2014e: 493; 2014f: 252]

Lesson 34 [page 493] 作业:

1. What is the silvery substance Snape withdrew from his temple? Why did he do it?

2. 翻译:I have been told you have already shown aptitude at resisting the Imperus Curse (2014e: 493).

3. 坚持每天掌握1到2个生词,风雨无阻,天天坚持。


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