
发布日期:2025-03-29 02:50:40     作者:烟囱的猫     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/gpa245218.html     违规举报


152.不修边幅:be slack about one’s appearance

153.不虚此行:be journey has not been made in vain

154.不宣而战:open hostilities without declaring war

155.不学无术:ignorant and incompetent

156.不一而足:not just once but on numerous occasions; by no means rare

157.不遗余力:spare o effort; stint no effort

158.不以物喜,不以己悲:not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses

159.不义之财:ill-gotten wealth/gains

160.不亦乐乎:isn’t it a great pleasure?

161.不翼而飞:disappear unexpectedly; spread fast

162.不由分说:allowing no explanation

163.不由自主:cannot help doing sth; involuntarily

164.不远千里:make light of travelling a thousand li; make light of travelling from afar

165.不约而同:take identical action or share identical views without previous consultation

166.不在话下:be nothing difficult, be a cinch

167.不在其位,不谋其政:He who holds no rank in a state does not discuss its policies

168.不择手段:use any device, by any means

169.不折不扣:hundred per cent, to the letter, out and out

170.不正之风:unhealthy tendency, improper practice, malpractice

171.不知不觉:unconsciously, before one knows

172.不知凡几:innumerable, countless

173.不知好歹:can’t tell good from bad, not know what’s good for one

174.不知所措:be at one’s wit’s end, be quite lost, be bewildered

175.不知所云:can’t make out what is meant

176.不知所终:not know where sb. Spent the last years of his life

177.不知天高地厚:not know the height of the heavens or the depth of the earth—have an exaggerated opinion of one’s abilities

178.不知羞耻:have the effrontery to

179.不值一钱:not worth a penny, utterly worthless, mere trash

180.不治之症:incurable disease

181.不置可否:not say anything definite, make no comment


183.不自由,毋宁死:Give me liberty, or give me death.

184.不足挂齿:not worth mentioning, not worth taking seriously, nothing to speak of

185.不足为奇:small wonder

186.不足为训:not to be taken as an example

187.不足为外人道:This is not be mentioned to outsiders. This is strictly between ourselves.

188.不足为谋:not worth consulting with

189.不足之处:drawback, disadvantage


191.步步高升:promoting to a higher position

192.步履蹒跚:with infirm steps

193.步履艰难:with infirm steps

194.步入后尘:follow in sb’s footsteps, follow upon sb’s hells, trail along

195.部优产品:ministry prize product


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