小学英语单词形式变换 小学英语词汇扩充

发布日期:2025-03-08 07:36:03     作者:涵义胜利者     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/kmx308957.html     违规举报

Sea, Ocean & Water Animals


You can’t teach a cr b how to walk straight(直的).Do you think f s can hear?S a s eat fish.I’ve never eaten a live o t p s.S ar s are good swimmers.The s h se was so beautiful that Peter was lost for words.The w lr s is now seldom(很少) seen, although in prehistoric(史前) times it was common(常见的).That’s what a st fi looks like.Have you ever seen a w a e?A p gu is a bird that cannot fly.These creatures(生物) evolved(进化) from simpler organisms(生物体) like je yf h.A sq d has ten legs.Shrimps(虾仁), crabs and l bst s form an important source of food supply.P lic s have large beaks.One of my favorite things to eat is ri p.Do you like o st s?The l m burrows in the sand to a considerable(大量) depth.Tom seems to enjoy just sitting on the dock and watching the s gu s.D lph s are really smart.I found a beautiful s e l on the shore(岸边).Have you ever seen sea ur i s?The largest inland breeding site for c mor ts in Wales is here.Sea o t s love to eat clams while swimming on their backs.I saw a big p l n there.A hermit crab(寄居蟹) carrying a s a m e around on its shell.Almost all S t tl s have a long lifespan(寿命).Biologists(生物学家) noted an increase in the number of s l o s off Brazil(巴西).C r l reefs attract a variety of beautiful marine(海洋的) life.


crabfishSealsoctopusSharksseahorsewalrusstarfishwhalepenguinjellyfish.squidlobstersPelicansshrimpoystersclamseagullsDolphinsshellurchinscormorantsotterspelicansea anemoneSea turtlessea lionsCoral,

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