
发布日期:2025-03-22 04:09:55     作者:尘埃开出花     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/lnt112416.html     违规举报

这款大明中期、成化年早期的笔海(1465年至1487年),採用双开窗画片儿,青花所绘人物面部表情生动,似嘱出行家人小心天气变化,关注天有不策风云。青花用料是中东钴料 苏麻离青,铁锈斑历历在目,灯光下锡光闪烁,钴料本色尽显。酱色釉料回纹添边,酱釉塑花,这是二次入窑烧造的工艺。工匠技法闲熟,无论是绘画还是塑花其工艺精益求精,一丝不苟。底部呈玉璧底,凹陷正中处釉下青花手书 天 字款。明代成化年唯有皇家官窑的款识才有 天 字款。

笔海自下而上成倒梯形态,上口稍大,底部内缩,釉面似哥釉般呈细碎开片,笔海内施满釉也已细碎开片,完全手工制作,此笔海保管完好。自然光照下手机拍摄,品相如图。在瓷器收藏界有这样一句名言:明看成化 清看雍正

俗称: 成化无大器 是说成化时期瓷器以小巧玲珑精制秀美著称,很少有体型较的大瓷器。如此体量的明代成化官窑天字款识笔海存世稀少,世所难见!这件是明代时期的青花人物笔海,笔海即体积比较大的笔筒,此物件绘图精美,青色鲜亮,浓淡适宜。这件器物的有着明代时期青花的主要特点一青分五色。仔细观察笔筒表面的人物衣履和周围物品和景色的颜色层次,会发现都是用青色来展现的,简单的青花的色则被分成了浓淡同的笔,使所绘的图案具有丰富的色调。色泽鲜明青翠,浓淡相同,层次分明,器形完整,釉色纯正,纹饰自然流畅娴熟,品相又完好极具欣赏价值和收藏价值。

This Bihai (1465-1487) in the middle of the Ming Dynasty and early Chenghua year uses double windows to draw films. The facial expressions of the characters painted in blue and white are vivid, which seems to tell the family members to be careful of the weather changes and pay attention to the weather. The blue and white material is the cobalt material from the Middle East. Su Ma is green. The rust spots are vivid. The tin light flashes under the light, and the natural color of the cobalt material is fully displayed. The brown glaze is used to add edges and paste glaze to make flowers. This is the process of second firing in the kiln. The craftsman is proficient in his skills. Whether painting or flower molding, his craft keeps improving and meticulous. The bottom is a jade bottom, and the center of the depression is underglaze blue and white handwritten Tianzi.

In the Chenghua year of the Ming Dynasty, only the style of the royal official kiln had Tianzi style.

The pen sea is in the shape of an inverted ladder from bottom to top. The upper mouth is slightly larger and the bottom shrinks inward. The glaze is finely broken like brother glaze. The full glaze in the pen sea has also been finely broken and completely handmade. The pen sea is well kept. Taken by mobile phone under natural light, the product is shown in the picture.

In the field of porcelain collection, there is a famous saying: the Ming Dynasty sees the transformation of the Qing Dynasty and the Yongzheng Dynasty

Commonly known as "Chenghua without big ware", it means that the porcelain in Chenghua period is famous for its small, exquisite, refined and beautiful, and there are few large porcelain in shape. Such a large amount of the imperial kiln of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty has a rare collection of calligraphy and calligraphy, which is hard to see in the world!

This is a blue and white figure pen sea in the Ming Dynasty. The pen sea is a large pen container. This object has exquisite drawing, bright blue and suitable shade. The of this ware has the main characteristics of blue and white in the Ming Dynasty. One green is divided into five colors. Carefully observe the color levels of the characters' clothes and shoes on the surface of the pen holder and the surrounding objects and scenery, and you will find that they are all displayed in cyan. The simple blue and white colors are divided into the same thick and light pens, so that the painted patterns have rich colors. It has bright and green color, the same thickness and shade, distinct layers, complete shape, pure glaze color, natural, smooth and skilled patterns, and intact appearance, which is of great appreciation value and collection value.


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