
发布日期:2025-03-22 07:09:59     作者:无心的靠近     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/sport/wiw371360.html     违规举报

一、不亏待每一份热情 不讨好任何冷漠

Don't treat every enthusiasm badly, don't please any indifference

二、这个世界乱糟糟的 但只有你悬在我心上做太阳和月亮

The world is a mess, but only you hang over my heart to be the sun and the moon

三、我心里有一簇迎着烈日而生的花 比一切美酒都要芬芳

In my heart there is a cluster of flowers born in the hot sun more fragrant than all wine

四、记得给自己的开心充值 别让它停机了

Remember to recharge your happiness and don't let it stop

五、你温柔点 月亮会沦陷 我也会

If you are gentle, the moon will fall and so will I.

六、一路小跑保持清醒 永远善良还有识趣

Trot all the way, stay awake, always be kind, always have sense of interest

七、沉默就是答案 躲闪就是答案 不主动就是答案 其实你早该明白

Silence is the answer. Dodging is the answer. Not taking the initiative is the answer. In fact, you should have known.


The clean, dazzling youthfulness of your body has cleared up all the rainy seasons of my girlhood.

九、少年心动是仲夏夜的荒原 割不完烧不尽 长风一吹 野草就连了天

The heart of the boy is that the wilderness of the midsummer night can't be cut and burned. The long wind blows the weeds and connects the sky


You have to know that you are meeting the most exciting people now, but it is not the most suitable, nor the best for you, because fit is more important than like

十一、大雾四起 我在无人处爱你 云消雾散 我爱你世人皆知

Fog is everywhere. I love you where no one is. I love you everywhere.

十二、如果你觉得高跟鞋磨脚 你可以穿上小熊袜子 你可能没听懂 我的意思是 如果你女王当累了 你可以当我的小公主

If you think high heels wear your feet, you can put on bear socks. You may not understand what I mean. If your queen is tired, you can be my little princess.

十三、相信流星划过的那个方向 朝着那个地方奔跑 就能与你相遇

Believe that the meteor across the direction of running towards that place will be able to meet you.

十四、不要着急 因为总会有人陪你熬夜下雨接你 说我爱你 好的总会压箱底

Don't worry, because there will always be someone to stay up late with you, rain, pick you up, say I love you, okay, always press the bottom of the box.

十五、不要迷路边的野花 忘记怀里的玫瑰

Don't get lost in the wild flowers by the road and forget the roses in your arms.

十六、该怎么去形容你的重要性呢 就是在一片漆黑的世界里 突然有了光

How to describe your importance is in a dark world suddenly there is light.

十七、会见面的 等春天的温柔长满枝头

We'll meet. Wait for the tenderness of spring to grow on the branches.

十八、 你为什么在秋天订婚 因为夏天是用来怀念你的

Why do you get engaged in autumn because summer is used to miss you

十九、愿你遇良人 予你欢喜城 长歌暖浮生

May you meet your beloved and be glad that the city of Long song is warm and floating.

二十、念念不忘 必有回响 必然是电影的桥梁

If you don't forget, there must be repercussions. It must be a bridge for the movie.


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