
发布日期:2025-03-09 04:29:08     作者:追着我跑     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/hik157189.html     违规举报





1. leonine,[ˈliːənaɪn],adj. (外表或者脾气)像狮子的。He is a tall leonine grey-haired man. 他是个白发蓬松如狮的高个子男人。

2. canine,[ˈkeɪnaɪn],adj. 像犬的,犬的;n. 犬;犬齿。

canine tooth = eye tooth 虎牙

3. feline,[ˈfiːlaɪn],adj. 像猫的,猫的;n. 猫科动物。

She moves with feline grace. 她走路时有如猫一般的优雅。

4. porcine,[ˈpɔːsaɪn],adj. 像猪的,猪的。

a porcine grunt 像猪一样的呼噜声

5. vulpine,[ˈvʌlpaɪn],adj. 像狐狸的,狐狸的。引申义为诡计多端的。

She disliked his sly ways, but granted him certain vulpine intelligence. 她厌恶他狡猾的行事,但承认他的机智。

6. ursine,[ˈɜːsaɪn],adj. 像熊的,熊的。

Suspicion still feels after Little Bear listens, go asking ursine father. 小熊听完之后还是感到怀疑,便去问熊爸爸。

7. lupine,[ˈluːpaɪn],adj. 像狼的,狼的。

Wearing a lupine skin, they can run as wolves, free as moonlight in the night. 穿上狼皮,他们可以像狼一样奔跑,像夜里的月光一样自由。

8. equine, [ˈekwaɪn],adj. 像马的,马的;n. 马。horsey [ˈhɔːsi]也是像马的。

Racing fans could also visit a number of leading yards, stud farms and equine hospitals for a behind-the-scenes look at Ireland's racing industry. 赛马爱好者还可以参观一些主要的庭院、育马场和马医院,了解爱尔兰赛马业的幕后情况。

Her long horsey face got the stubborn look that meant she was going to do something willful. 她那长长的马脸带着一种固执的表情,这意味着她要做一些任性的事情。

9. piscine,[ˈpɪsaɪn],adj. 像鱼的,鱼的。所以双鱼座是Pisces。

In one, involving salmon, some fish froze to death and piscine faeces turned the nearby ocean floor into a wasteland. 原因之一是,包括大马哈鱼在内,一些鱼被冻死,加上鱼的排泄物使得附近的海洋洋底成为无法生息的荒原。

10. bovine,[ˈbəʊvaɪn],adj. 像牛的,牛的;n. 牛科动物。引申义为迟钝的,描述人时有贬义。

I'm depressed by the bovine enthusiasm of the crowd's response. 观众迟缓的反应令我沮丧。



1. leo 狮子lion leonine

2. canis 狗dog canine

3. felis 猫cat feline

4. porcus 猪pig porcine

5. vulpus 狐狸fox vulpine

6. ursus 熊bear ursine

7. lupus 狼wolf lupine

8. equus 马horse equine

9. piscis 鱼fish piscine

10. bovis 牛cow bovine



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