
发布日期:2025-03-28 11:52:03     作者:给予迩温暖     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/hny395561.html     违规举报

正文翻译Why does a "thousand year old egg" sound like such a horrid thing to eat?为什么“千岁鸡蛋”听起来像是一个可怕的东西?0,下面我们就来聊聊关于冠状病毒对币圈的影响?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Why does a "thousand year old egg" sound like such a horrid thing to eat?为什么“千岁鸡蛋”听起来像是一个可怕的东西?0




A lot of time, care and patience is taken onto making these eggs and they should be appreciated for what they are. Fine food.Put one on your bucket list. You don’t want to go through life without having tried one.When you have, you can educate others on what a millennium or century egg is.Pass the knowledge.制作这些鸡蛋需要花费大量时间,细心和耐心,因此它们应受到赞赏的精美食物。在您的遗愿清单上放一个。 您不想尝试一下一辈子就了如果有的话,您可以教导别人关于什么是千年蛋或世纪蛋。传递知识。对于那些容易上当受骗的人来说,这听起来可能太可怕了,以至于他们认为标签上有一些道理。 如果把它叫做百年蛋(freque),一般一个四个月大的鸡蛋(接近准确的描述)?会不会更美味?翻译中文名字, 或者叫皮蛋或皮鸭蛋。 这些东西是碱性腌制的 鸡蛋,用木灰、盐、生石灰腌制,用粘土和米糠包裹。它们其实很好吃,味道温和,有点像其他煮熟的鸡蛋。不是真的。 虽然它们不是我的首选,但如果有人点它们作为开胃菜,我会吃它们。 它们没有气味,真的,虽然它们是黑色/黑色的,但它只是一种颜色,有些人不习惯...蛋清部分就像阿斯皮克/明胶,有些人不喜欢这种质地。 蛋黄有一种淡淡的味道-有点糊状,但基本上是软的煮鸡蛋,这只是不适合某些人的食用颜色-在美国没有很多黑色食物,也许是甘草? 我宁愿吃一千岁的鸡蛋也不愿吃黑甘草。。。 当然,有些人害怕吃鸡蛋,因为它是一个胚胎,但我没有问题,我喜欢鸡蛋流淌而阳光明媚。人们很难适应长期衰减的概念。 他们认为,如果鸡蛋坏到5天后杀死你, 那么1000年就无法改善。 只会更糟。就像奶酪。 人们很难接受奶酪是带霉菌的陈年牛奶。0Apichart PonpuakIf you think "thousand year old egg" sound like such a horrid thing to eat, wait until you know what we call it in Thai : “Horse pee egg.”如果你认为“千岁鸡蛋”听起来像是一种可怕的食物,你可知道我们用泰语称之“马小便鸡蛋”。0Michelle MooreWho would want to eat something that was 1000 years old? I never even heard of such a thing. Besides, anything that old belongs in a museum, not your stomach. So even if it actually were edible, you’d be destroying something that ought to be preserved.谁会想吃1000岁的东西? 我从没听说过这样的事。 再说,博物馆里的古老东西都属于博物馆,不是你的胃。 所以即使它真的可以食用,你也可以破坏应该保存的东西。0Rusty J ShacklefordI don’t know why these weird terms are used in English. In Chinese they just say leather egg or pine needle egg. People cure them in lye, like how pretzels are cured in lye. They taste good in a salad especially around the summer time.我不知道为什么这些奇怪的术语在英语中使用。 在中国,他们只说皮蛋或松花蛋。 人们在碱液中治愈它们,就像椒盐卷饼是如何在碱液中固化的一样。 它们在沙拉里味道很好 尤其是在夏天的时候。0Jay AppleWe have the recipe for the 1,000 yr old eggs.Try it-my hubby says-Bar eggs.Not bad.我们有1000年历史的鸡蛋的配方。尝试一下-老公说-鸡蛋不好吃。0Varsha Sathish KumarI usually have these with chicken porridge. It's a popular item in Singapore. You're right, once you get past the intial revulsion that comes when you look at it, you realize it's very delicious.我通常把这些和鸡肉粥一起吃。 在新加坡很受欢迎。 你说得对,一旦您克服了看着它时产生的最初反感,便意识到它非常美味。0Patrick KhawI didn’t eat pidan (century eggs) until I was 17. A group of us were visiting one of our high school teachers during the Lunar New Year and he told us that eating pidan was a privilege that came with age and maturity. And we were welcome to have some.That was 50 years ago and I have never passed up an opportunity to eat pidan. I’ve had it in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, various part of China, Taiwan, and even here in Australia. Just love it.直到17岁,我才吃皮蛋(世纪鸡蛋)。我们一群人在农历新年期间拜访了一位中学老师,他告诉我们,随着年龄的增长,皮蛋是一种特权。 也欢迎我们来一些。那是50年前,我从未错过吃皮蛋的机会。 我在新加坡,马来西亚,泰国,中国大陆各地区,台湾,甚至在澳大利亚都有。 只是喜欢它。0Sing LauIn Hong Kong, I have yet to meet a person who does not love it, everybody likes thousand year egg. 在香港,我还没有遇到一个不喜欢它的人,每个人都喜欢千岁鸡蛋。0Paola EspejoI'm Mexican and I'd never heard about this kind of eggs but now I want to try one. They seem pretty good我是墨西哥人,我从没听说过这种鸡蛋,但现在我想试试。 他们看起来很不错0Biron LimMy grandfather and brother loves the 1,000 year old egg. I can’t stand it. It’s not the name. I just don’t care for the sulfide after taste. On a separate note, can you make salted chicken eggs rather than salted duck eggs?我的祖父和哥哥喜欢千岁鸡蛋。 我受不了。 不是这个名字。 我只是不在乎味道后的硫化物。 另外,你可以制作咸鸡蛋而不是咸鸭蛋吗?0Dave RhubergI traveled to China. I do not like eggs in general, but ate everything I could in China, including Century Egg. I liked it, the process seemed to dull the sulfurous flavor of the yolk I dislike. Also enjoyed scorpions grilled kebabs, did not like the liquor which was gasoline tasting.我去了中国。 我不怎么喜欢鸡蛋,但在中国吃了我能吃的一切,包括世纪鸡蛋。 我喜欢它,这个过程似乎使我不喜欢的蛋黄的硫磺味变淡了。还喜欢用蝎子烤羊肉串,不喜欢尝起来像汽油的酒。


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