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新概念英语第三 Lesson 28


Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear

第一部分Lesson 28重点词汇words&expressions

1. wares n.货物,商品

plural noun 复数 wareses

1 small products for selling, in a market or on the street but not usually in a shop (在市场上或街边出售的)商品,货物

Some displayed their wares on stalls, while others had just spread them out on the pavement. 有的人把货物摆放在货摊上,有的人干脆就将其铺开摊在人行道上。

2 非正式用语 informal a company's products (公司的)产品

The company must do more to promote their wares overseas. 该公司必须进一步努力将产品推向海外。

2. anchor ['æŋkә] v.抛锚;下锚;使固定;扣牢;系牢;


1. 锚,a heavy metal object, usually shaped like a cross with curved arms, on a strong rope or chain, which is dropped from a boat into the water to prevent the boat from moving away

We dropped anchor (= lowered the anchor into the water) and stopped. 我们抛锚停船。

It was time to weigh anchor (= pull up the anchor and sail away).该是起锚开船的时候了。anchor , anchors

2. anchor支持,SUPPORT

someone or something that gives support when needed 可以依靠的人(或物);精神支柱;靠山

She was my anchor when things were difficult for 我身处困境时,她就是我的精神支柱。

This treaty has been called the anchor (= strongest part) of their foreign policy.该条约被称作是他们外交政策的基石。

3. 播音員anchor , anchors BROADCASTER mainly US an anchorman or anchorwoman (广播、电视节目的)主持人 anchor , anchors , anchoring , anchored

4. 使固定verb,FASTENCN

A. to lower an anchor into the water in order to stop a boat from moving away 抛锚,下锚

B. to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening them firmly 把…系住(或扎牢);使稳固,使固定

We anchored ourselves to the rocks with a rope. 我们用绳子把自己固定在岩石上。

C. 主持,担任(节目的)主持人mainly US to act as the anchorman or anchorwoman of a programme

She will anchor the new morning news show.她将主持新的早间新闻节目。

3. deck [dek] n.甲板

4. silverware ['silvәwєә] n.银器

5. tempt [tempt] v.吸引;引诱

A. 引诱,诱惑, to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong

The offer of a free car stereo tempted her into buying a new car. 免费赠送汽车音响让她禁不住诱惑买了一辆新车。

[tempt sb. to infinitive符合宾语]

They tempted him to join the company by offering him a large salary and a company. 他们许诺给他优厚的薪水和一辆公司汽车,以诱使他加入该公司。

B. 想要(某物);想做(某事)be tempted to want something or to want to do something

Well, I was very tempted but in the end I decided not to apply for the job.唔,我是很想申请,但最后还是决定放弃了。

I was very tempted to resign for my boss was so rude to me. 老板对我如此粗鲁,让我很想辞职。

C. 玩命;冒不必要的危险tempt fate/providence

If you tempt fate or providence by doing something, you take a silly risk by doing it and depend too much on your good luck.

You're tempting fate by riding your bike without wearing a cycle 你不戴头盔骑自行车简直是在玩命。

6. bargain ['ba:gin] v.讨价还价; n.便宜货

7. disembark ['disim'ba:k] v.下船上岸

8. assail [ә'seil] v.纠缠

to attack someone violently or criticize someone strongly 攻击,袭击;抨击

The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body. 受害者的头部和身体遭到连续重击。

He was assailed with insults and abuse as he left the court. 他离开法庭时,遭到众人的辱骂。

2 [ often passive] to cause someone to experience a lot of unpleasant things 困扰;使苦恼to be assailed by doubts/fears/problems 为疑虑/恐惧/问题所困扰

She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.她被自我怀疑和情感不安所困扰。

9. marble ['ma:bl] n.小玻璃球

10. inscribe [in'skraib] v.刻写,雕

Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.一些展览馆把捐赠者的名字刻在墙上以纪念他们。

题赠If you inscribe something in the front of a book or on a photograph, you write it there, often before giving it to someone.

On the back I had inscribed the words: "Here's to Great Ideas! John."在背面我题写了这样的话:“献给伟大的思想!”。

11. favour ['feivә] n.好处,优惠

12. gesticulate [dʒes'tikjuleit] v.(讲话时)打手势

13. outrageous [aut'reidʒәs] a.出人预料的;令人不悦的

outrageous 骇人的;无耻的;无法接受的 adjective

1. shocking and morally unacceptable

The judge criticized the "outrageous greed" of some of the lawyers.法官批评有些律师“无耻贪婪”。

[ it's outrageous that]

It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes.这些大楼空着,而成千上万的人却无家可归,这真是令人难以容忍。

These prices are just outrageous (= much too high).这些价格高得吓人。

2. describes something or someone that is shocking because they are unusual or strange (因反常或怪异)吓人的,惊人的,令人震惊的outrageous clothes奇装异服

outrageous behaviour 怪异的举止

an outrageous character 怪人

outrageously 副词adverb.

outrageously high prices高得吓人的价格

14. thrust [θrʌst] v.硬塞给;强行挤进

[usually adv/prep] 不规则动词

thrust, thrust,thrust , thrusts , thrusting

1 to push suddenly and strongly 推挤;刺;戳;插入

She thrust the money into his hand.她把钱塞进他手中。

They thrust a microphone in front of me and fired questions at me. 他们把麦克风推到我面前,不断向我发问。

She thrust the papers at me (= towards me).她把报纸塞给我。

The bodyguards thrust past the crowd to get at the cameraman.保镖挤过人群直扑摄影师。

thrust sth on/upon sb , thrusting sth on/upon sb to force someone to accept or deal with something 强迫(某人)接受;强迫(某人)应对

Fatherhood had been thrust on him. 他身不由己当了父亲。

thrust n. idea 思想

1 [S] the main idea, subject or opinion that is discussed or written about : 要点,要旨,中心点

The main thrust of her argument was that women are compromised by the demands of childcare.她的主要论点是妇女受到需要照看孩子的拖累。

第二部分 课文难句语法解析


1. Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour. Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks were soon covered with colourful rugs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful hand-made silver-ware.当一艘大型班船进港的时候,许多小船载着各种杂货快速向客轮驶来。大船还未下锚,小船上的人就纷纷爬上客轮。一会儿工夫,甲板上就摆满了色彩斑斓的波斯地毯、印度丝绸、铜咖啡壶以及手工制作的漂亮的银器。


A. Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour. 此句是一个主从复合句,主句是Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner,其中loaded with wares"装满各种商品杂货的"是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰boats,相当于一个定语从句which wereloaded with wares.

as she was entering the harbour是时间状语从句,“当一艘大型班船进港的时候”。






as引导时间状语从句,侧重于主句的动作和从句 的动作“同时进行”,经常可以翻译为“一边,一边”。如本句,可以理解为,大船靠岸的动作与小船靠近大船的动作在同时进行。

I was doing my homework, as the TV was on. 我一边做作业,一边开着电视。




While I was doing my homework, it began to rain.



When he left here, it was raining heavily.时间点

When I was young, I always did....


B. Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks were soon covered with colourful rugs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful hand-made silver-ware.本句重点在于before时间状语从句的理解,“大船还未下锚,小船上的人就纷纷爬上客轮” 。就还没等大船下好锚,小船上的人就爬上了船。



2. It was difficult not to be tempted. Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked. 要想不为这些东西所动心是很困难的。船上许多游客开始同商贩讨价还价起来,但我打定主意上岸之前什么也不买。




It was difficult not to be tempted.要想不为这些东西所动心是很困难的。

tempt 引诱,诱惑(参考前单词分析)

to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong

The offer of a free car stereo tempted her into buying a new car. 免费赠送汽车音响让她禁不住诱惑买了一辆新车。

[tempt sb. to infinitive符合宾语]

They tempted him to join the company by offering him a large salary and a company. 他们许诺给他优厚的薪水和一辆公司汽车,以诱使他加入该公司。

but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked.但我打定主意上岸之前什么也不买。

disembark to leave a ship, aircraft, etc. after a journey

vt. 下船,下飞机,着陆; 下车

vi. 登陆,下车;上岸When passengers disembark from a ship, aeroplane, or bus, they leave it at the end of their trip.

I looked toward the plane. Six passengers had already disembarked.我向飞机看去。6名乘客已下机。

disembarkation N-UNCOUNT

Disembarkation is at 7:30 a.m.着陆时间为早晨7点30分。



3. I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. 我刚下船,就被一个人截住,他向我兜售一枚钻石戒指。


♥A. had no sooner got off the ship than 刚一下船就……

had no sooner done than 刚一……就……以下这三个句型都表示同样的意思,强调两个动作紧接着发生

1. no sooner ...than

2.hardly... when...

3.scarcely... when

♥如果把no sooner,hardly,scarcely置于句首,从句要使用部分倒装结构。

I had no sooner arrived home than it began raining heavily.我一到家就下起大雨来了。

倒装修→No sooner had I arrived home than it began raining heavily.

The foot ball game had hardly begun when it started raining.足球比赛才刚刚开始就下起雨来。

倒装句→Hardly had the foot ball game begun when it started raining.

I had scarcely opened the door when the telephone rang.我刚一打开门电话铃就响来了。

特别提示:♥当no sooner,hardly,scarcely置于句首,从句要使用部分倒装结构,而不是主句倒装。

♥B. assail,使被困扰,纠缠

If you are assailed bysomething unpleasant such as fears or problems, you are greatly troubled by a large number of them. 使被困扰

I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. 我被一个人截住,他向我兜售一枚钻石戒指。

She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.她被自我怀疑和情感不安所困扰。




4. I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds. 我根本不想买,但我不能掩饰这样一个事实:其钻石之大给我留下了深刻的印象。


本句是是一个并列复合句,but引出来的分句中“that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds”是一个同位语从句,说明先行词fact的内容。


had no intention of buying 没有做某事的打算

intention: 意图。An intention is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.

The company has every intention of keeping the share price high.该公司有将自己的股票保持在高价的意图。

It is my intention to remain in my position until a successor is elected.我的打算是我继续留任直到选出接班人。


have no intention of doing something不打算

have every intention of doing something打算强调

If you say that you have no intention of doing something, you are emphasizing that you are not going to do it. If you say that you have every intention ofdoing something, you are emphasizing that you intend to do it.

I have no intention of allowingyou to continue living here alone.我不打算让你继续独自生活在这里。

B. conceal 掩盖; 隐藏,及物动词

1. V-T If you conceal something, you cover it or hide it carefully.

Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a wall.弗朗西丝决定把那台机器藏到一堵墙的后面。


2. 隐瞒 (信息); 掩饰 (情感),及物动词 V-T If you conceal a piece of information or a feeling, you do not let other people know about it.Robert could not conceal his relief.罗伯特掩饰不住自己如释重负的心情。


3. 遮盖,及物动词V-T If something conceals something else, it covers it and prevents it from being seen.

...a pair of carved Indian doors which conceal a built-in cupboard.…一扇遮挡嵌入壁橱的印度式雕花门。

C. I was impressed by sth. 某人某物给我留下了深刻的印象

impress:给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩 to cause someone to admire or respect you because of something that you have done or said

I remember when I was a child being very impressed with how many toys she had. 我记得小时候我对她有那么多的玩具羡慕不已。


Your mother was clearly not impressed by our behaviour in the restaurant.你妈妈对我们在餐馆的行为显然没有好印象。


He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine. 他想以自己在葡萄酒方面的渊博知识让我对他刮目相看。


I'm afraid the new theatre fails to impress. 恐怕这座新戏院不会受到瞩目。

impress sth on/upon sb , to make someone understand or be familiar with the importance or value of something 使(某人)明白…的重要性(或价值)

Mr Song tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized. 宋先生力图让我明白,如果我能更有条理,我的生活会更安逸。



小结: 新概念英语第三册第28课,与其他所有课文相比较,无论是词汇、句型还是语法都是最经典,内容最丰富的一篇课文。希望朋友们认真学习之。欢迎文后赞赏。

to be continued待续



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