
发布日期:2025-03-28 02:07:08     作者:魔兽处猫儿     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/tech/qot373549.html     违规举报


不要怀疑你是不是红绿色盲了,最初的圣诞老人就是的绿 哒!红绿之争要从圣诞老人的起源 说起。The modern Santa Claus is actually much older, a patchwork character woven together from different sources.These include Saint Nicholas, a 4th Century Greek bishop - who famously wore red robes while giving gifts to the poor, especially children - and the English folk figure "Father Christmas", whose original green robes turned red over time.现代圣诞老人有很古老的起源,是用不同历史人物的故事拼凑而成。其中就包括一名四世纪的希腊主教圣尼古拉斯(Saint Nicholas)。根据记录这个红衣老爷爷喜欢给穷人派礼物,尤其是孩子。另一个起源是英国的神话人物“圣诞神父”,他原本穿着的就是绿色的衣服。 BBC一度,绿衣圣诞老人 压倒了红衣圣诞老人 。因为歪果仁觉得,绿衣的形象更能给寒冷的冬天带来一丝 春意 。It's likely he represented the coming of spring and wore a long green hooded cloak and a wreath of holly, ivy or mistletoe and had the ability to make people happier during the long winter months.圣诞老人穿着绿色连帽长袍,带着冬青和常春藤、槲寄生编制的花环,寓意着生机勃勃的春天,在冬天里给人们带来了生机。BBC但是到了19世纪,绿衣圣诞老人,逐渐消失了。It was in the 1820s, too, that advertisements for Christmas presents became common in the United States. By the 1840s, Santa himself was a frequent commercial icon in advertisements. Retailers, after all, had to find some way to clear their end-of-year stock.在1820年代的美国,圣诞老人的形象被用在广告上,推销冬季滞销的礼物。到了1840年代,圣诞老人可以说是一个年终大促的KOL了 。BBC于是,为了提高销量,各大商家在设计圣诞老人的时候,可以说是动足了脑筋。在这场营销大战中,可口可乐 获得了成功。The definitive image of the red-robed one was, however, the product of hard-nosed commercialism. Coca-Cola wanted to boost its winter sales and hit on the idea of Santa being a coke drinker in a campaign tagged “Thirst Knows No Season”.红衣圣诞老人是商业化的产物。为了在冬季推销自己的可乐,可口可乐公司在当年的广告中把圣诞老人和自己的LOGO元素结合,形成了红色圣诞老人。The Guardian随着可口可乐铺天盖地的广告,那个绿衣圣诞老人也就一去不复返了。看完了红衣、绿衣圣诞老人,让我们顺便收集一下其他国家的圣诞老人吧!

圣诞•德国、奥利地、瑞士共享•老人 (图via@thisisinsider.com下同)

圣诞 • 西班牙 • 老人

圣诞 • 荷兰 • 老人

圣诞 • 挪威 • 老人

圣诞 • 冰岛 • 老人圣诞 •all buy • 老人这么多款老人,你最喜欢哪一家的圣诞老人呢?祝大家圣诞快乐哦!


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