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a possible roadmap of where and how you can invest your time and energyto find a job within the gamesindustry.


This guide is meant to give you a broad overview if you want to learn 3D Art for yourself and get a job in the games industry. Basically going from A to Z。


It’s what I would tell myself if I had to do it all over again. It's not a technical guide where we go into art techniques, it's meant as an overall “map” to see where you can invest your time and energy to learn the necessary skills effectively. This applies to other art disciplines as well, I just keep it focused on environment art since it’s what I learned.


One important thing to note is that each individual ultimately goes their own way. Every step I explain below can be switched around and adjusted to your choosing. For some people it takes 1-2 years to get their first job, for others it takes 3-4 years (or more). Go at your own pace. This guide hopefully gives you some ideas and helps you to make some decisions. Let’s jump right in.



Learn the basics first


First and foremost it’s important to get somewhat comfortable with various tools you will be using during your career. To build environments or a “virtual world” you need to be able to actually create objects in 3D Space, texture them and composite them in a game engine.


Here are a few suggestions of softwares you can get started with and are also commonly used in the games industry.



Autodesk 3dsMax

Autodesk Maya



Allegorithmic Substance Painter

Allegorithmic Substance Designer

Adobe Photoshop

Quixel Mixer


Allegorithmic Substance Painter

Allegorithmic Substance Designer

Adobe Photoshop

Quixel Mixer


One thing to note. Don’t get obsessed over what modeling package is best.


I personally wasted too much time figuring out what software to choose and if it would be better learning a different one. Just pick one (it really doesn’t matter which one) and get comfortable with it. Try out a few different softwares and then invest your time in the one you enjoy most.


Don’t become a prisoner to the software. It’s just a tool.



Learn the basics of high poly modelling, low poly modelling, UV Unwrapping, baking and texturing. Get your hands dirty and make some of your first props. It doesn’t matter if they look amazing or not, it’s just about getting you into the groove with the tools and workflows.


Get in the habit of creating. Consistently.


Then start jumping into the game engine. This is the place where all of your work will end up in the end to composite the final game environment / scene.


Start making your first little scenes. Keep it small. Again, it’s not about making it look amazing in the beginning, it’s about getting used to working with your 3D packages and putting components into the game engine.


While doing those things, you will gain a lot of theoretical and technical understanding as well. Things like texture density, tiling textures and many more. It's up to you where you start first.



buy some advanced tutorials


There are a lot of paid quality tutorials out there. Usually these videos go deeper on a specific topic than your average Youtube video.


If there are things you see yourself struggling with, try to dig for some long-form tutorials that go deep into a specific topic.


Really study those tutorials. Follow along and learn the thought process behind the artist’s decisions and visual adjustments. This is a good stage to push your skills further quality wise because now you know the basics that you taught yourself and can really put in effort to increase the quality of your work.


Here are some of my favorite well-known websites for tutorials.



What I recommend after going through those tutorials and watching them, make your own thing from it.


We see too many portfolio pieces with the exact same result (or often worse) as the person teaching in the tutorial. Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay if you do that. But to really learn and practice what you saw in the tutorial, it’s a good habit to create your own version of it.


For Example: Tutorial on how to make desert sand in Substance Designer.


Follow the tutorial closely and learn the steps. To practice it, make beach sand instead of desert sand. Or even snow. Maybe you add pebbles to the sand and create your own new interpretation out of it. This is where you will see most of your growth. Because you have to actually make your own decisions and by doing so, you build “muscle memory” and improve your creative problem solving.



Make your first environment (or any bigger project)


Time to give your first proper environment a shot. For the sake of this guide, I don’t dive deep into the how-to's and keep it simple.


Choose a topic for your environment and apply what you learned. Block the scene out and bring all your elements into the game engine. Make some nice props for it. Light your scene and improve your compositional skills. Really polish this environment as far as you can. Usually the last 10% are the hardest (but most crucial)

为你的环境选择一个主题并在其中运用你学到的东西。搭建场景粗框架(Layout),并且在引擎中加入你的个人元素。为它制作一些漂亮的资产。给的场景打光并提高你的综合技能。尽全力打磨好这个环境。通常来说最后10% 是最难的(但也是最关键的)

This will increase your understanding of the whole process a lot!





During all this time, you will be learning crazy amounts. You will be exploring a lot and probably feel lost once in a while. So one of the best ways to increase your skills and also have like-minded people by your side is to join Communities! It’s a great way to make friends and talk about 3D and art in general.

在这段时间里,你会学到很多惊奇的东西。你会进行大量探索,也可能偶尔会感到迷茫。社区则是一个提高技能和寻找志同道合的人的好地方。这是结交朋友交流3D 艺术的好地方。

Additionally, you can (and should) share your work and receive feedback. There are lots of professionals lurking around those places, so you never know what might come from it.


Here are two of my favorite discord communities relating Environment Art. Just follow those links and press on the discord tab, it will bring you right into the action.





Another thing I want to point out here is the importance of art fundamentals. They apply to 3D exactly the same as they do for any other art medium.

我想在这里指出的另一件事是艺术基础的重要性。它们适用于 3D 以及其他的其他艺术媒介。

Study them closely. Look into what makes a pleasing composition, lighting, color, shapes etc. There are several tutorials online that explain them. Google is your friend.


Try to dissect pictures from your favorite artists to see how the fundamentals apply. It will make or break your work because in the end, it always comes down to the fundamentals.


You don’t have to get obsessed over them, just understand them and try to implement those fundamentals into your environment-work as you go along on your journey. It will truly help.



Take Classes or courses


You’re now at a point where you know the basics of proper environment art creation. It’s important to get to this step because once you actually start diving into classes and mentorships, you won’t start from scratch.

目前为止,你已经了解了环境艺术创作的基础知识。接下来这一步很重要,因为你将整整开始深入课堂和课程指导互动,这样你就不需要一开始自己为进程头疼。这让我想到了 CGMA。CGMA在业内非常有名,很多人至少参加过一门课程。

This brings me to CGMA. CGMA is very well known within the industry and many many people have taken at least one course there. You get weekly step by step videos on the topic or area you choose. You'll also get access to a mentor and weekly live Q&A’s.


I personally found it very valuable when learning all this because it gave me a clear structure. If you can, work a lot during those weeks. The more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. Get as much feedback as you can! It’s the best way to learn and get better.




Once you completed a course (and your work resulting from it), reflect on what went well. Reflect on what didn’t go so well. See where your strengths and weaknesses are. Then take another course wherever you need to improve on.


It will increase your know-how greatly and you will soon start gathering some nice portfolio pieces.


Also, learn to compare your work critically with already established people in the industry and their portfolios. This is not about feeling bad if “they are so good and I am so bad”. No. This is about seeing and learning what exactly makes their pieces work so well and then applying this to your own work. Now, this is a skill in itself and you’ll develop your eye for those things as time goes on.





Now onto my favorite part of the whole guide - Mentorships.

Mentorships are probably the one thing that can push your skills the furthest in a short amount of time.


I took a few mentorships when I was learning and I saw most of the growth in that period.


With mentorships you get a lot of individual feedback from a professional directly on your work. You can analyze your projects closely and someone can show you the necessary steps to going from A to B. If you put a lot of effort in the mentorship and constantly apply the feedback you will receive, you will see a lot of progress.

通过指导,可以直接获得很多工作相关并且专属于你的专业反馈。你的项目可以得到仔细的分析,并且有人可以向您展示从 A 到 B 的必要步骤。如果您在指导中投入大量精力并不断根据收到的反馈进行实践,你将看到十分明显的进步。

Some mentorships I highly recommend:



So, why now mentorships and why not before? Of course you can take a mentorship at any stage of learning, it’s always valuable and it will boost your progress. Let me explain.



Since you already practiced a lot and probably have some portfolio pieces, it’s now about getting you from a medium-portfolio to a polished and jobready-portfolio. And the best way to achieve it is to get hands-on inputs from a professional over a fixed period of time.


Who to mentor with is completely up to you. There are lots of people offering mentorships. Few tips what I look for in a mentor.


Do I like her/his work and art?


Does she/he work in the games industry?


Does the person seem sympathetic and engaged in what they do?



Don’t take a mentorship from a person that doesn’t work in the games industry. It means they don't have the skills necessary yet to get into it in the first place and they should focus on their own progress first (you can still get feedback from them of course).


During the mentorship, ask as many questions as you can. Show your progress regularly to your mentor so he or she can give you feedback on it. Really use this time wisely and don’t be afraid to ask. Show that you are willing to learn and be open minded to re-work things for the better. Don’t get defensive, you are only hurting yourself.


The goal from a mentorship is to improve your art in whatever area you choose and get a clear roadmap on how you should continue after the mentorship is over. Try to get clear inputs from your mentor if you are ready to apply for a job or what you should do until you can do so.



start applying


After the mentorship, basically just repeat what you have learned and polish your portfolio. Once you’re at a certain point, start applying to jobs. I won’t go too deep into the how and where of applying since it could fill another full article. There are various websites showing jobs, LinkedIn and communities.

指导结束后,基本上只是重复你之前学会的部分并完善了作品集。因此你可以在某个合适的时间点,开始申请工作。我不会深入探讨申请的方式和要申请的公司/网站,因为它可能会占用大量篇幅。有各种网站展示了工作机会,LinkedIn 和其他机构。

If you don’t hear back from any employer or only get rejections, that means your work is not good enough yet. Don’t get discouraged, that’s just how it is. Keep working on your portfolio, make a new scene and you will improve. Once your work is really good, you will hear back, trust me. Not saying you get the job, but you will get more chances to go on an interview. Portfolio is one thing, you also have to be the right fit for the team. Some good resources on portfolio/job-hunting as an artist:





“But Patrick, I don’t have 3 years experience in AAA and 2 shipped titles”

“但Patrick,我没有 3 年以上的3A游戏制作经验以及2 个已发行的游戏作品。”

Doesn’t matter, apply anyway. You have nothing to lose. A lot of companies might consider you as a Junior because your work is really good, even though they are not actively looking for one. Just go for it. Don’t be spammy and always stay professional. Respect other people’s time. It may take you a while to figure it out, but stay with it.


Or as our homeboy Master Yoda would say: Patience, you must have. Worth it will be.



A few tips


The whole journey takes time. Don’t rush it. Learn, observe and apply feedback. It’s not easy, it takes a lot of discipline, especially when learning on your own. Benefits a good uni can give you are accountability, peers and "homework". When learning by yourself, this has to come from you.


It really comes down to your excitement and drive to pursue a career as a 3D Artist. If you don’t enjoy it, maybe rethink if it’s really the path for you. Otherwise it will be extremely tough and draining.

只有你的兴趣能驱动你追寻3D 艺术家的职业。如果你不喜欢它,也许重新考虑它是否真的适合你。否则它将非常艰难和令人筋疲力尽。

You will always have some tough moments where you feel like giving up, especially near the end of certain projects. But if you enjoy the process of learning 3D overall, it will be a lot of fun. And that’s really what matters in the end. Otherwise, what’s the point?

总会有一些艰难的时刻让你想放弃,尤其是那些临近结束的项目。但是,如果您享受整个学习 3D 的过程,那将会非常有趣。这才是真正重要的。否则,有什么意义?

On the next page you can find a few things that personally helped me when I was learning 3D.

在下一页可以找到一些在我学习 3D 时对我有帮助的东西。


peer group


Find some like minded people to regularly hang out and share your work with, it’s a great motivator and can keep you going. It’s a great way to help others and also receive help. Sometimes you need an honest outside perspective on your situation and this is where close friends and peers can really support you.


reward yourself


Finished a project? Awesome! Go play some games or take 4 days off to do whatever you want. This will keep you engaged and excited to keep going. Be proud of yourself that you put in the effort!

完成了一个项目?这么棒!去玩会游戏或休息 4 天做任何你想做的事情。这将使您保持兴奋地继续前进。为自己付出的努力感到自豪!

aim high


Find the people that inspire you the most and whose work has an extremely high standard. Try to match that quality. Study their work closely and see what makes it that good. Even if you can’t match the quality, your standard automatically levels up and that will only benefit you over the long run.


take breaks


Don’t work 24/7 and basically kill yourself. You’ll burn out quickly. Work hard and smart. Take some time off once (or whatever you choose) a week. Hang out with family, friends. Go outside, read, play games, whatever. Do some exercise. You will be much more focused on your work again after you had some time away to clear your mind.



The last item on the list I want to talk about is time.


One of the main reasons why someone's portfolio isn't good enough yet is basically just because that person hasn't put in the required time to learn the basics and there's a lack of repetition. You can't cheat this. There is no magical tutorial out there that makes you a god. It's plain repetition. (I had to realize that too myself)


Yes feedback is important and no I'm not saying you shouldn't get it. But a lot of the time this person has a good understanding of the pipeline and now just needs to do it over and over again.


In the end, it comes down to raw practice of those learned skills and you will see improvement. Your visual library will build up over time and you will be able to point out a lot of things by yourself.




small financial overview


For the end of this article I just made some (very) basic calculations on what budget I would set myself for all the things I mentioned. I know not everyone’s situation is similar in terms of finances, but this could give you an overview on what you might expect over the course of around 2 years. (I left out cost for software)

在本文的结尾,我只是为我提到的所有事情做了一些(非常)基础的预算计算。我知道并不是每个人的财务状况都相似,但这可以让你预判大约 2 年的学习过程中可能的花销。(此处忽略了软件成本)


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