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RUTH’S LOYALTY【译】鲁思的忠心【单词】LOYALTY 原型:loyalty ['loi-uhl-tee]['lɒɪəltɪ] n. 忠诚;衷心;忠实【专有名词】RUTH 原型:Ruth 鲁思(女子名)

During the days of the judges, there was once a famine in the land; and a certain man from Bethlehem in Judah took his wife and two sons to live in the territory of Moab.【译】在士师统治期间,有过一次饥荒;犹大族伯利恒的一个人带着他的妻子和两个儿子居住在Moab那地。【单词】During 原型:during 介词 ['doo r-ing, 'dyoo r-]['djʊərɪŋ] prep. 在……期间【单词】judges 原型:judge 名词复数形式 [juhj][dʒʌdʒ] n.【史】士师(古以色列的统治者)【单词】famine 名词 ['fam-in]['fæmɪn] n. 饥荒;极度缺乏【单词】certain 形容词 ['sur-tn]['sɜːt(ə)n] adj. 某一【单词】territory 名词 ['ter-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]['terətri] n. 领土;领域;范围【专有名词】Bethlehem 地名 ['beth-li-hem, -lee-uh m]['beθlihem] n. 伯利恒【专有名词】Judah ['joo-duh]['dʒu:də] n. 犹大的后裔【专有名词】Moab ['moh-ab][圣经] 摩押(死海东面的古王国)

His name was Elimelech and his wife's Naomi, and his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion.【译】他的名字叫Elimelech,他的妻子叫Naomi,他的两个儿子分别叫Mahlon和Chilion。

After they had been living in Moab for some time, Elimelech died, and Naomi was left with her two sons.【译】他们在Moab生活了一段时间后,Elimelech死了,只留下Naomi和她的两个儿子。【短语】for some time 一段时间;例句:I've thought about it for some time. 这事我已考虑了一段时间了。【单词】left 原型:leave 动词过去分词 [leev][liːv] v. 留下

They married Moabite women, named Orpah and Ruth.【译】他们娶了摩押女子为妻,分别叫名叫Orpah和鲁思。【单词】married 原型:marry 动词过去式 ['mar-ee]['mæri] v. 娶;结婚【专有名词】Moabite 形容词 ['moh-uh-bahyt]['məuəbait] adj. 摩押人的

After they had lived there about ten years, Mahlon and Chilion both died, and Naomi was left without husband or children.【译】他们在那儿住了约十年后,Mahlon和Chilion都死了,Naomi就失去了丈夫和孩子。

So she set out with her daughters-in-law to return from the land of Moab, for she had heard that Jehovah had remembered his people and given them food.【译】于是她和她的儿媳妇从Moab出发返乡,因为她听说Jehovah惦念他的百姓,并给他们食物。【短语】set out 出发,动身;例句:We set out with enough provisions. 我们带上足够的食品出发了。【单词】daughters-in-law 原型:daughter-in-law 名词复数形式 ['daw-ter-in-law]['dɔːtər ɪn lɔː] n. 儿媳妇【单词】remembered 原型:remember 动词过去分词 [ri-'mem-ber][rɪ'membə] v. 记得;记起【专有名词】Jehovah [ji-'hoh-vuh][dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)

As they were setting out on the journey to Judah, Naomi said to her daughters-in-law, "Go, return each of you to the home of your mother.【译】在回犹大的路上,Naomi对她的儿媳妇说:“你们回各自的娘家去吧。【单词】journey 名词 ['jur-nee]['dʒɜːni] n. 旅程;旅行;行程

May Jehovah be kind to you, as you have been kind to the dead and to me.【译】愿Jehovah善待你们,如同你们善待我死去的两个儿子和我一样。【短语】be kind to 善待,对……友好;例句:You can't love everyone, but you can be kind to everyone. 你无法去爱每一个人,但你可以善待每一个人。【单词】dead 名词 [ded][ded] n. 死者

Jehovah grant that each of you may find peace and happiness in the house of a new husband."【译】Jehovah保佑你们都能在新丈夫家里获得平安和幸福。”【单词】grant 动词 [grant, grahnt][grɑːnt] v. 授予【单词】peace 名词 [pees][pis] n. 和平;平静【单词】happiness 名词 ['hap-ee-nis]['hæpinəs] n. 幸福;快乐

Then she kissed them; but they began to weep aloud and said to her, "No, we will return with you to your people." But Naomi said, "Go back, my daughters; why should you go with me?【译】然后她亲吻了她们;她们却放声大哭,对她说:“不,我们要与你一起回你百姓那里去。”但是Naomi说:“我的女儿们,回去吧,为什么要跟我一起去呢?”【单词】kissed 原型:kiss 动词过去式 [kis][kɪs] v. 吻;轻触【单词】weep 动词 [weep][wiːp] v. 流泪;哭泣;悲叹【单词】aloud 副词 [uh-'loud][ə'laʊd] adv. 出声地;大声地

Can I still have sons who might become your husbands?【译】我还会有儿子来成为你们的丈夫吗?

Go back, my daughters, go your own way, for I am too old to have a husband.【译】回去吧,我的女儿们,走你们自己的路,因为我太老了,不可能再找一个丈夫。

Even if I should say, 'I have hope,' even if I should have a husband to-night and should have sons, would you wait for them until they were grown up?【译】即使我说,‘我还有希望',即使我今晚就又有了丈夫和儿子,你们能等到他们长大吗?【词法】even if是“即使,纵然”的意思,为连词,用于引导让步状语从句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。【短语】wait for 等候,等待;例句:We are waiting for the first crops to ripen. 我们正等待着第一次农作物的成熟。【短语】grown up 原型:grow up 成长,长大;例句:You'll change your mind as you grow up. 等你长大就会改变想法的。【单词】hope 名词 [hohp][həʊp] n. 希望;信心

Would you remain single for them?【译】你会为他们一直保持单身吗?【单词】remain 动词 [ri-'meyn][rɪ'meɪn] v. 保持;依然【单词】single 形容词 ['sing-guhl]['sɪŋg(ə)l] adj. 单身的

No, my daughters!【译】不,我的女儿!

I am sorry for you, for Jehovah has afflicted me." Then they again wept aloud, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-by, but Ruth stayed with her.【译】我对你们感到抱歉,因为Jehovah折磨的是我。”然后她们又大声哭了起来,Orpah就吻了她婆婆并和她告别,但鲁思还是和她在一起。【短语】am sorry for 原型:be sorry for 感到歉疚、抱歉;例句:You don't have to be sorry for anything. 你不必为任何事感到抱歉。【单词】afflicted 原型:afflict 动词过去分词 [uh-'flikt][ə'flɪkt] v. 折磨;使痛苦【单词】mother-in-law 名词 ['muhth -er-in-law]['mʌðər ɪn lɔː] n. 婆婆;岳母【单词】good-by 名词 [goo d-'bahy][gʊd'baɪ] n. 告别;告辞

Naomi said, "See, your sister-in-law is going back to her own people and to her own gods; go along with her!" But Ruth answered, "Do not urge me to leave you or to go back, for wherever you go I will go, and wherever you stay I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God my God;【译】Naomi说:“看哪,你嫂子已经回她自己的民族和神那里去了,你也跟她一起去吧!”但是鲁思说:“不要劝我离开你或让我回去,因为无论你去哪里,我都要跟你一起去,无论你待在哪里,我都要和你待在一起,你的民族就是我的民族,你的神就是我的神;【短语】go along with 随……一起去;例句:I'll go along with you. 我将随同你一起去。【单词】sister-in-law 名词 ['sis-ter-in-law]['sistərinlɔ:] n. 夫或妻的姊妹;妯娌【单词】urge 动词 [urj][ɜːdʒ] v. 催促;力陈;极力主张【单词】wherever 连词 [hwair-'ev-er, wair-][weər'evə] conj. 无论在哪里【专有名词】God 名词 [god][ɡɒd] n. 上帝

I will die where you die and be buried there.【译】我会死在你死的地方,并被埋在那里。【单词】buried 原型:bury 动词过去分词 ['ber-ee]['beri] v. 埋葬

May Jehovah bring a curse upon me, if anything but death separate you and me." When Naomi saw that Ruth had made up her mind to go with her, she ceased urging her to return.【译】除了死亡,若有其他东西将你我分开,就让耶和华诅咒我。”Naomi见鲁思下定决心要与她同去,就不再劝她回去。【短语】made up her mind 原型:make up one's mind 决定下决心;例句:It is early days yet to make up your mind. 你现在下决心还为时过早。【单词】curse 名词 [kurs][kɜːs] n. 诅咒;咒骂;祸端【单词】death 名词 [deth][dɛθ] n. 死;死亡【单词】separated 原型:separate [verb 'sep-uh-reyt; adjective, noun 'sep-er-it][sɛpəˌret] v. 分开;隔开【单词】ceased 原型:cease 动词过去式 [sees][siːs] v. 终止;停止

So they travelled on until they came to Bethlehem.【译】她们就一直走到了伯利恒。

When they arrived there, the whole town was interested, and the women said, "Is this Naomi?" But she said to them, "Do not call me Naomi which means Sweetness: call me Mara which means bitterness, for the Almighty has given me a bitter lot.【译】当她们到那里时,整个城镇都很感兴趣,女人们说:“这是Naomi吗?”但是她对她们说:“不要叫我Naomi,因为它的意思是甜;叫我Mara吧,这个词意思是苦,因为上帝给了我许多苦难。【单词】arrived 原型:arrive 动词过去式 [uh-'rahyv][ə'raɪv] v. 到达;到来【单词】means 原型:mean 动词一般现在时(第三人称单数)[meen][miːn] v. 意味着【单词】Sweetness 原型:sweetness 名词 ['peyt-n]['swiːtnəs] n. 美味;芳香;甜美【单词】Bitterness 原型:bitterness 名词 ['bit-er]['bɪtənəs] n. 苦味;悲痛;怨恨【单词】bitter 名词 ['bit-er]['bɪtə] n. 苦味【专有名词】Almighty [awl-'mahy-tee][ɔːl'maɪti] n. 上帝

I had plenty when I left, but Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed.【译】走的时候我拥有很多东西,但Jehovah却让我空手而归。【单词】plenty 名词 ['plen-tee]['plenti] n. 丰富;大量;充足【单词】empty-handed 形容词 ['emp-tee-'han-did][,empti:'hændid] adj. 空手的;徒手的

Why should you call me Naomi, now that Jehovah has turned against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?" So Naomi and Ruth returned from Moab; and they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest.【译】既然Jehovah和我作对,上帝也折磨我,为什么还要叫我Naomi呢?”所以Naomi和鲁思就从Moab回来;她们回来的时候正是伯利恒开始收割大麦的时候。【短语】turned against 原型:turn against 反对,作对;例句:Even those who are once for him begin to turn against him. 连那些原来支持他的人也开始反对他了。【短语】at the beginning of 在……之初;例句:The wedding will be at the beginning of March. 婚礼定于三月初举行。【单词】barley 名词 ['bahr-lee]['bɑːli] n. 大麦【单词】harvest 名词 ['hahr-vist]['hɑːvɪst] n. 收成;收获;收割


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