【停课不停学:随身课本送给大家】高中人教版英语选修七【B 7 Unit 3】第三单元:课文内容和本单元单词及语法精讲
△snorkel ['snɔ:kəl]vi.戴潜水通气管潜泳 n.(潜水艇或潜水者的)通气管△aquarium [əˈkweəriəm] n. 水族馆;水族箱;养鱼缸
anecdote [ˈænikdəut] n. 轶事;奇闻△Clancy n. 克兰西(男名)△baleen [bə'li:n] n. 鲸须△baleen whale[hweil](鲸) 须鲸annual [ˈænjuəl] adj. 每年的;按年度计算的 n.年刊;年鉴△migration [maiˈgreiʃən] n. 迁徙;迁居;移居witness [ˈwitnis] vt. 当场见到;目击n.目击者;证人;证据
accommodation [əˌkɔməˈdeiʃən]n.住所;住宿shore [ʃɔ:] n. 岸;海滨offshore [ˌɔfˈʃɔ:] adv.&adj.近海(的);离岸(的)opposite [ˈɔpəzit] prep. 在……对面adj.相对的;相反的
yell [jel] vi.大叫;呼喊 n.叫声;喊声pause [pɔ:z] vi.& n. 暂停;中止△oar [ɔ:] n. 桨;橹telescope [ˈteliskəup] n. 望远镜teamwork [ˈti:mwə:k] n. 协作;配合dive [daiv] vi. & n. 跳水(的动作);潜水(的动作);俯冲flee [fli:] vi. (fled, fled) 逃避;逃跑 vt. 逃离△harpoon [hɑ:ˈpu:n]n.(捕鲸用的)鱼叉drag[dræg] vt. 拖;拉;扯depth [depθ] n. 深(度);深处△meantime[ˈmi:ntaim] adv.其间;同时△in the meantime在此期间;与此同时lip [lip] n.一片嘴唇;(容器或洞的)边,口△overboard [ˈəuvəbɔ:d] adv. 越过船舷进入水中urge [ə:dʒ] vt.催促;极力主张;驱策abandon [əˈbændən] vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃shark [ʃɑ:k] n. 鲨鱼Help (…) out 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难relationship [riˈleiʃənʃip] n.关系;血缘关系;交往conservation [ˌkɔnsəˈveiʃən] n. 保存;保护△iceberg [ˈaisbə:g] n. 冰山jog [dʒɔg] vi. 慢跑 vt.轻推;轻撞seaside ˈsi:ˈsaid] n. &adj. 海边(的);海滨(的)net [net] n. 网;网状物;网络target [ˈtɑ:git] n. 目标;靶;受批评的对象tide [taid] n. 潮(汐);潮水;潮流△driftnet n. 流网dimension [diˈmenʃən] n.维(数);方面;侧面reflect [riˈflekt] vi. 思考 vt.映射;反射;思考pure [pjuə]adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的cell [sel] n. 细胞;(蜂房的)巢室aware [əˈweə] adj.意识到的;知道的be/becomeaware of知道、明白;意识到……vivid [ˈvivid] adj. 生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的neat [ni:t] adj.(口)好的;整齐的;匀称的seaweed [ˈsi:wi:d] n. 海草;海藻narrow [ˈnærəu] adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的flashlight [ˈflæʃiŋ] n.闪光信号灯;手电筒;闪光灯upsidedown 上下翻转suck [sʌk] vt. & vi. 吮吸△sea-slug [slʌg] n.海蛞蝓(海参)△turtle [ˈtə:tl] n. 海龟;龟;甲鱼△eel [i:l] n. 鳗;鳝sharp [ʃɑ:p] adj. 锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的tasty [ˈteisti] adj. 好吃的;可口的△giant [ˈdʒaiənt] adj.巨人的;巨大的 n. 巨人;伟人△clam [klæm] n. 蛤grey [grei] adj. & n. 灰色(的)scare [skɛə] vt. 恐吓 vi.受惊吓(be) scared todeath 吓死了shallow [ˈʃæləu] adj. 浅的;肤浅的;浅显的steep [sti:p] adj. 陡峭的boundary [ˈbaundəri] n. 界限;分界线Antarctic [ænˈtɑ:ktik] adj. 南极的theAntarctic 南极洲awesome [ˈɔ:səm] adj. 使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的△leap [li:p]vi.&n.(leapt,leaped;leapt, leaped) 跳;跳跃 vt. 跳过(障碍)seal [si:l] n. 海豹;封条;印章△refund [riˈfʌnd] vt. 退还;偿还 n.退款pension [ˈpenʃən] n. 养老金;退休金pensioner ['penʃənə] n.领取养老金者Unit3:
1. annual adj. 每年的;按年度计算的 Unit 3 OLD TOM THEKILLER WHALE 虎鲸老汤姆 I was16 when I began work in June 1902 at the whaling station. 1902年6月,我开始在捕鲸站里工作,那时我才16岁。 I had heard of the killers that every year helped whalers catch huge whales. 在此之前我曾经听说过虎鲸每年帮助捕鲸人捕捉大鲸鱼。I thought, at the time,that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.当时我以为只是一个故事罢了,但是后来我亲眼见过多次。 On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was I sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. 有天下午我来到捕鲸站,正在找住处的时候,听到从海湾那边传来一阵喧闹声。We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. 我们及时赶到岸边,看到对面有一个庞大的动物猛力跃出海面,然后又坠落到水里。 It was black and white and fish-shaped. But I knew it wasn't a fish.它黑白相间,样子像鱼,但我知道它并不是鱼。 "That's Old Tom, the killer," one of the whalers, George, called out to me.“那是老汤姆,是虎鲸。”一位叫乔治的捕鲸人高声对我说, "He's telling us there's a whale out there for us." “它是在告诉我们那边有一头鲸,叫我们去捕猎。” Another whaler yelled out,"Rush-oo ...rush-oo." This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt. 另一位捕鲸人大声喊叫,“快走啊……走啊。”这是宣告猎鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。 "Come on, Clancy. To the boat," George said as he ran ahead of me. “克兰西,快上,上船去。”乔治在我前面边跑边说。 I had already heard that George didn't like being kept waiting, so even though I didn't have the right clothes on, I raced after him. 我以前就听说过,乔治不喜欢等人,所以尽管我还没有穿上合适的衣服,就跟在他后面跑起来。 Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay. 一刻不停地,我们和其他捕鲸人都跳进渔船,朝海湾方向驶去。 I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom swimming by the boat, showing us the way. 我朝水里望去,可以看到老汤姆就在渔船旁边游着,为我们指路。A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom,circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again.几分钟之后,汤姆不见了,于是乔治开始用桨拍打水面。汤姆出现了,转回到船边,又领着我们前往捕猎处。 Using a telescope we could see that something was happening. 通过望远镜,我们可以看到远处有情况发生了。As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. 走近一看,原来是一头大鲸受到约六、七条虎鲸的攻击。 "What're they doing?" Iasked George. 我问乔治,“它们在干什么呢?” "Well, it's teamwork - the killers over there are throwing themselves on top of the whale's blow-hole tostop it breathing. And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea," George told me, pointing towards the hunt. “啊,它们在协同作战呢——那些虎鲸正在往那头鲸的出气孔上扑去,不让它呼吸,而其他那些虎鲸则阻止它潜水或逃跑。”乔治一边指着捕猎的情景,一边告诉我。And just at that moment,the most extraordinary thing happened. 在这时候,最精彩的场面出现了。 The killers started racing between our boat and the whale just like a pack of excited dogs.就虎鲸们在我们的渔船和那头鲸之间开始追逐了,就像一群发狂的猎狗一样。 Then the harpoon was ready and the man in the bow of the boat aimed it at the whale.于是,猎鲸叉准备好了。站在船头的那个人把叉瞄准了那头鲸。 He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died.扔了出去,恰好击中了要害,鲸受了重伤,没过多久就死了。 Within a moment or two,its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea. 过了片刻,鲸的尸体就要被虎鲸们迅速拖向深海中去了。 The men started turning the boat around to go home.捕鲸人于是调转船头往回走。 "What's happened?" I asked. "Have we lost the whale?" “怎么啦?”我问道,“我们失去鲸了吗?” "Ohno," Jack replied. "We'll return tomorrow to bring in the body. 杰克回答说:“不,我们明天再回来运鲸鱼的尸体。It won't float up to the surface for around 24 hours."它在24小时以内是不会浮出水面的。” "In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue," added Red, laughing.雷德笑着补充说:“在这段时间里,老汤姆和其他虎鲸会饱餐一顿的,鲸唇和鲸舌就是它们的美食”。 Although Old Tom and the other killers were fierce hunters, they, never harmed or attacked people.虽然老汤姆和其他虎鲸都凶恶,但是它们从来不伤害人,也不袭击人。In fact, they protected them.事实上,它们还会保护人。There was one day when we were out in the bay during a hunt and James was washed off the boat.有一天,我们出海捕鲸的时候,詹姆斯被冲下水去了。 "Man over board! Turn the boat around!" urged George, shouting loudly.乔治大声喊道:“有人落水了!把船头调回去!” The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to handle the boat.那天海上波涛汹涌,很难调转船头。The waves were carrying James further and further away from us. 海浪把詹姆斯冲得离我们越来越远。From James's face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。Then suddenly I saw a shark.随后我们看到一条鲨鱼。 "Look,there's a shark out there," I screamed.我尖叫起来,“瞧,那边有一条鲨鱼。” "Don'tworry, Old Tom won't let it near," Red replied.雷德回答说:“别着急,老汤姆不会让它靠近的。” It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approached him, I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom.我们花了半个小时才把船调转头来,回到詹姆斯落水的地方。当我们靠近他的时候,我看到老汤姆正在水中稳稳托着詹姆斯,I couldn't believe my eyes.我几乎不相信自己的眼睛。 There were shouts of "Well done, Old Tom" and 'Thank God" as we pulled James back into the boat.当我们把詹姆斯拉上渔船的时候,大家都欢呼着“老汤姆,好样的”,“感谢上帝”。 And then Old Tom was off and back to the hunt where the other killers were still attacking the whale.后来,老汤姆离开了,回到捕猎的地方,跟其他虎鲸一起捕鲸去了。 课文翻译: 下午我到达车站时,我整理我准备膳宿时,我听到一声巨响从海湾传来。我们跑到海边看到一个巨大的动物对我们置身出了水面,然后崩溃了。这是黑白fish-shaped。 不加思索我们跳进游艇和其他的捕鲸出海驶向入海湾。我低头朝水中看去,看到老汤姆正在船边游着,为我们引路。几分钟后,没有汤姆,乔治开始打水,和他的桨汤姆回到船上,环绕,引导我们去打猎了。 使用望远镜我们可以看出确实是发生了。当我们走近的时候,我能看鲸鱼遭到一群大约6其他杀手。凶手在那里正把自己最重要的鲸鱼的憋气停止呼吸。和那些人停止它跳水、逃离出海。乔治告诉我指着捕猎。就在那一刻,的最不可思议的事情发生了。凶手开始比赛我们的船和鲸鱼之间就像一群兴奋的狗。虽然老了汤姆和其他杀手非常激烈的猎人,他们从未错待过或攻击的人。事实上,他们保护他们。有一天,当我们在海湾在打猎和詹姆斯洗净了船。 海是粗糙的那一天,这使得我们很难处理的船。海浪携带着詹姆斯深入,离我们。从詹姆斯·的脸上,我可以看出来他在害怕被抛弃我们发挥的空间。我忽然看到鲨鱼。用了半个多小时的时间才把船划回到詹姆斯,而当我们走近他,我看到詹姆斯被牢牢地抓住了在水老汤姆。 我不敢相信我的眼睛。有“干得不错,有欢呼拯救的声音老汤姆","谢谢上帝”在我们把詹姆斯回到船上。然后老汤姆就跳下去,回到亨特,而其他杀手仍攻击鲸鱼。 本单元语法精讲如下: 被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,表示句子中的主语是动作的承受者,也就是动作的对象。一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。 被动语态的构成是:助动词be+动词过去分词。 一、被动语态的用法 1.不知道动作的执行者是谁或者说话的人对宾语的兴趣大于对主语的兴趣。 Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷是从中国传入欧洲的。 2.出于修辞的原因或者为了更好地安排句子。 The professor came to our school and was warmly welcomed by the teachers and students. 那位教授来到我校并受到师生们的热烈欢迎。 3.不愿意说出动作的执行者,目的是为了使语言得体,在这种情况下,有时使用一些特别句式。 It is said that...据说…… It is hoped that...大家希望…… It is declared that...据宣布…… It is well known that...众所周知…… 二、被动语态的几种类型 1.含有单个宾语的被动结构 It is often used (by my teacher) in teaching English. 这经常(被老师)用于英语教学中。 2.含有双宾语的被动结构 teach,tell,give等动词后面往往有两个宾语,叫作双宾。带双宾语的主动句用被动句表示时,可以把其中一个宾语用作主语,另一个宾语作保留宾语。但以指人的间接宾语作主语为好,句子显得更自然。 We gave them some books. 我们给了他们一些书。 →They were given some books. →Some books were given to them. 但也有的只能以直接宾语作为被动句的主语。 I will buy you a present.我将给你买份礼物。 →A present will be bought for you. 3.含有复合宾语的被动结构 call,make之类的动词后常常带有宾语补足语。 这种结构只能将主动语态的宾语改作被动语态的主语。主动句中的宾语补足语如果为 doing,变成被动句后,doing作主语补足语。 带有不定式作宾语补足语的感官动词(如hear,see,feel,watch等)和使役动词(如make,have,let)主动句的宾语补足语为省略 to 的不定式,变成被动句后,作为主语补足语的不定式必须带 to。 The landlord made him work. 地主让他干活。 →He was made to work (by the landlord). 4.情态动词的被动语态 其形式为“情态动词+ be+过去分词”。 The books may be kept for two weeks. 这些书你可以借两周。 5.短语动词的被动语态 短语动词在变为被动语态时,不要漏掉构成短语动词的介词或副词。 That old man was often laughed at. 那位老人经常受人嘲笑。 三、主动形式表示被动意义 1.主语(物)+wash,clean,cook,cut,read,wear,keep,open,draw,write,sell 等不及物动词+adv.。这些动词的主语一般是表物的词,且这些物往往具有某种内在的特点,这些句子的时态多用一般现在时或一般将来时。 The book sells well. 这本书很畅销。 Your pen writes quite smoothly. 你的钢笔写起来很流畅。 2.blame,let,remain,keep,rent等。 It was I,not you,am to blame. 是我而不是你应当受到责备。 3.在need,require,want,deserve,be worth 后的动名词主动结构表被动意义。 My watch needs cleaning.(=My watch needs to be cleaned.) 我的手表需要清洗。 4.在 make sb.heard/understood (使别人能听见/理解自己)特殊结构中。 You should speak louder and make yourself heard. 说话声音大些,好使别人能听到你说的话。 5.用在There be 句型中。 There is a lot of work to do.(=There is a lot of work to be done.) 有好多工作要做。 6.动词不定式的主动形式表被动 (1)当不定式在名词后面作定语,且和名词之间有动宾关系时,不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。 Would you bring me a bench to sit on? 你给我拿把凳子来坐好吗? (2)不定式用在形容词后作状语,和句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,常用主动形式。常用的这类形容词有:difficult,easy,hard,interesting,comfortable,heavy,light,impossible,nice,pleasant等。 The box seems heavy to carry. 那个箱子似乎搬起来很重。 四、被动形式表示主动意义 英语中有的句子结构看上去是被动,但是表示的是主动意义,如 be determined,be pleased,be prepared (for),be occupied (in),get married 等。 He is determined to pass the exam. 他下决心要通过这次考试。 五、不用被动语态的情况 1.不及物动词或不及物动词短语如appear,happen,remain,take place,come about,break out,come true等没有被动语态。 2.表示状态的及物动词have(有),possess(拥有),hold(容纳),suit(适合),fit(合适),equal(等于),contain(包含),cost(花费),last(持续),mean(意味着),belong to(属于),consist of(由……组成),date from(起源于)等,通常不用于被动语态。 3.系动词become,turn,get,look,sound,smell,taste,feel等,没有被动语态。 六、被动语态与系表结构“连系动词be+表语(过去分词)”的区别: 被动语态表示的是动作,句子的主语是动作的对象;而系表结构表示的是主语的状态或特点,其中过去分词相当于形容词。 The bridge was completed in l968. 这座桥是1968年建成的。(被动语态) The bridge is completed. 桥已修好。(系表结构) 一、动名词的被动语态 1.当动名词逻辑上的主语是动名词所表示的动作的对象时,动名词一般要用它的被动式。 He can't stand being laughed at. 他忍受不了被别人嘲笑。 2.动名词的主动形式表被动含义 (1)在want,need,require,deserve等动词后,常用动名词的主动形式表达被动含义。 The radio needs repairing. =The radio needs to be repaired. 这台收音机需要修理了。 (2)be worth后常跟动名词的主动形式表达被动含义。 The book is worth reading again. =The book is worthy of being read again. 这本书值得再读一遍。 二、现在分词的被动语态 其构成为being/having been+过去分词。 如果现在分词所表示的动作与其逻辑主语之间是被动关系,则应用现在分词的被动形式。 The building being built is our library. 正在被建的这座楼是我们的图书馆。 Having been given the good chance,how could I give it up?既然给了这么好的机会,我又怎么能放弃? 注意:当分词所表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时发生或正在进行,则用being+过去分词;当分词所表示的动作在谓语表示的动作之前发生则用having been+过去分词。 【链接训练】 ①________,we were taken to see the library. A.We had been shown the classrooms B.Being shown the classrooms C.Having been shown the classrooms D.Having shown the classrooms 【解析】 考查现在分词完成时的被动语态。句意为:我们先被带领着参观了教室,又被带领着去参观图书馆。“看教室”发生在“看图书馆”之前,所以用完成时,且根据句意要用被动。【答案】 C ②________ in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience. A.Having caught B.Being caught C.Caught D.Having been caught 【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意为:当你急着去机场时遇到堵车是多么不愉快的经历啊。being caught in引导的动名词短语作主语,并且表示被动。句子主语为“________in a heavy traffic jam”,其逻辑主语you为动作的承受者,故应用动名词的被动结构,而过去分词不能作主语,所以C项错误。 D项时态不正确。【答案】 B ③What worried me most was ________ to go abroad alone. A.my not allowing B.having not allowed C.my not being allowed D.my being not allowed 【解析】 句意为:最让我担心的是我不会被允许单独出国。考查动名词作表语,根据句意应使用被动语态,故可先排除A、B两项,通常v.ing被动式的否定式在其前加not,所以选C项。【答案】 C ④Research ________ out supports my idea that our company should take action in no time. A.to carry B.carrying C.being carried D.having carried 【解析】 句意为:正在进行的研究证明我的观点是正确的,我们公司应该立即采取行动。being carried out意思是“正在进行”;是现在分词的被动形式作定语修饰research,意为“正在进行的研究”。A、B、D都没有被动之意。【答案】 C 知识点:英语·选修7"Under the sea" Unit 3 Reading and discussing(Using language) B Reading and discussing 课文再现 A NEW DIMENSION OF LIFE 19th January I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day — a day of pure magic! I went snorkelling on the reef offshore this morning and it was the most fantastic thing I have ever done. Seeing such extraordinary beauty, I think every cell in my body woke up. It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life. The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me — purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens. The corals were fantastic — they were shaped like fans, plates, brains, lace, mushrooms, the branches of trees and the horns of deer. And all kinds of small, neat and elegant fish were swimming in and around the corals. The fish didn’t seem to mind me swimming among them. I especially loved the little orange and white fish that hid in the waving long thin seaweed. And I also loved the small fish that clean the bodies of larger fish — I even saw them get inside their mouths and clean their teeth! It seemed there was a surprise waiting for me around every corner as I explored small caves, shelves and narrow passages with my underwater flashlight: the yellow and green parrotfish was hanging upside down, and sucking tiny plants off the coral with its hard bird-like mouth; a yellow-spotted red sea-slug was sliding by a blue sea-star; a large wise-looking turtle was passing so close to me that I could have touched it. There were other creatures that I didn’t want to get too close to — an eel with its strong sharp teeth, with only its head showing from a hole, watching for atasty fish (or my tasty toe!); and the giant clam half buried in some coral waiting for something to swim in between its thick green lips. Then there were two grey reef sharks, each about one and a half metres long, which suddenlyappeared from behind some coral. I told myself they weren’t dangerous but that didn’t stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment! The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was asteep drop to the sandy ocean floor. It marked a boundary and I thought I was very brave when I swam over the edge of the reef and hung there looking down into the depths of the ocean. My heart was beating wildly - I felt veryexposed in such deep clear water. What a wonderful, limitless world it was down there! And what a tiny spot I was in this enormous world! 选修7 Unit 3 崭新的生活空间 1月19日 我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情——这是神奇的一天!这天上午,我戴着呼吸器在近海的珊瑚礁上潜泳,这是我从来没有过的绝妙经历。看到这样奇特的美景,我周身的每个细胞都苏醒了,就像发现了一个全新的生活空间似的。 我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的色彩——紫色、红色、橘黄、明黄、蓝色和绿色。那些珊瑚都是稀奇古怪的——有的形状像扇子、盘子、脑袋和彩条,有的像香菇、树枝和鹿角。还有种类繁多、小巧整齐、姿态优雅的鱼穿行在珊瑚丛中,或环游于珊瑚的四周。 我在那些鱼群中游泳,他们似乎并不在乎。我特别喜欢那些橘黄和白色相间的小鱼,他们藏在波动着的细长的海藻里。我也喜欢那些为大鱼清洁身体的小鱼——我甚至还看到这些小鱼游进大鱼的嘴里去帮他们刷牙。当我用水下探明灯探索小石洞、岩石和狭窄通道的时候,似乎每个角落都有使我感到惊奇的东西等着我:黄绿相间的鹦嘴鱼倒挂着,用它那像鸟一样的硬嘴从珊瑚上吸吮微小植物;带着黄斑点的红色海蛞蝓从一个蓝色的海星旁边滑行过去;一只长相聪慧的大乌龟紧贴着我的身旁而过,我几乎可以摸到它了。 还有一些其他动物,我不想太靠近他们——一条带有利齿的鳗鱼,只是把头从石洞里伸出来,望着可供美餐的鱼过来(或者在等着我的美味脚趾伸过去);一个巨大的蛤蜊半掩在珊瑚礁中等着有什么东西游过来,游到它那宽厚的绿嘴唇中。然后,还有两条灰色的珊瑚鲨,每条大约有1.5米长,突然从珊瑚后边游了出来。我自言自语地说它们并不危险,但是我这样说一点也不能抑制我那怕得要死的心情。 海水是浅的,但是到了珊瑚礁的尽头,就有一个陡坡,一直下降到满是沙子的海底。它是边界的标志。我游过珊瑚礁的边沿,浮在上面往下看海底的时候,我认为我还是非常勇敢的。我的心急剧地跳动着——在这样深邃而清澈的海水中,我感觉我是彻底地曝光了。 这个水底世界是多么美妙,多么漫无边际!而我在这个海洋的世界中又是多么渺小! 刘凯老师介绍 刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士为北京理工大学。2010年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚麦考瑞大学交流习;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA。 北京市优秀青年教师,北京市级重点高中示范校骨干教师,多年高中一线执教经验,高三年级把关教师,多次参与东城区模拟试题命题工作,教学理念先进,教学成果突出,多篇教学论文获市区级奖项。多篇文章发表在《中国教育报》《中国考试》《北京教育》等报刊上。多次参加高考阅卷工作,参与人民教育出版社、北京教育出版社、外研社等各类高考教学用书的编写工作,有丰富的备考经验,国际核心期刊发表多篇论文。 教育部课题研究员,参与国家十二五课题计划,并作出突出贡献,参与初中、高中各年级区级试题的命制,多次承担区级和市级研究课任务。北京市科技英语优秀指导教师,所带学生在各级英语口语、作文竞赛中多次获奖;将扎实的英语基本功和严谨的学术思想作为教学的基础,课堂上善于寓教于乐,信息量大,内容丰富,使学生在和谐的课堂气氛下欣赏英语、享受英语、掌握英语、运用英语。 2009-2012年期间,多次受邀在北京广播电台主持英语高考大纲解析及英语新课程改革节目,学术功底深厚,兼具偶像派与实力派特点,教风亲切洒脱,诙谐幽默,思维开阔,屡有奇思妙想,善于引导学生学以致用,对高考动向把握极其准确,深受学生和家长欢迎。尤其擅长英语语法和单词记忆法。 海外生活学习十年,社科人文类学科偏爱者;10年雅思教龄,知名教师培训师;指导上万考生快速冲刺雅思写作、阅读,平均分数7.5分;独创“段落清空”、极简化“针对检索式”阅读法等众多高效技法;每年雅思考试均在10次以上;均分8 ;真题回忆准确度97%以上;贴近西式思路和语言指导学生写作;善于帮助学生突破学术写作思维瓶颈。讲授科目有长难句、翻译、四六级考试、阅读和写作;在2014、2015、2017、2019四年考研中,接受其培训的所有考生中有近万名考生取得高分。带给学生的不只是考分的提高,更多的是对英语领悟和感知的突破。纯正的英音、独到的见解、睿智的思维和轻松幽默的语言,为其赢得了广大学生的认同和喜爱。 资深考研培训讲师; 英语四六级考试天团高级讲师; 雅思阅读、雅思写作培训主讲名师; 六级考试阅卷组成员; 深谙命题规律和解题套路,对英语的学习规律和方法见解独特。 呼吁国人学习英语的态度: 重复是记忆之母。 用听,用看,用心去触摸每个单词,你便会有好的记忆。 中国人要学好英语就要有一点点变态。 上课特点:课堂从不需点名,却无人缺席 教学理念:英语教师很幸运也有责任与学生一同叩响世界之门 推荐图文
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