
发布日期:2025-03-20 10:13:10     手机:https://m.xinb2b.cn/yule/news2506.html    违规举报
核心提示:kline船公司(日本三大船公司NYK)今日(10月31日),日本三大航运公司NYK,K'line 和 MOL发布公告,计划合并三家船公司的集装箱运输业务并为此成立合资运营公司!新组建航运公司运力将高达140万Teu,一举跃升为全球第6大船



今日(10月31日),日本三大航运公司NYK,K\'line 和 MOL发布公告,计划合并三家船公司的集装箱运输业务并为此成立合资运营公司!


对于今日日本三大船公司的合并之举,众多行业内人士认为, 随着此前也就多次重要合并的发生(CMA合并APL,HPL合并USAC,CSAV,以及COSCO和CSCL和合并),鉴于全球海运供应商的减少和集中,整个海运市场将进入上升通道,对运力和运价的掌控将彻底扭转目前的颓势, 预期这次日系三大船公司的合并将是此次行业业见底的标志和转折点。


Dear Valued Customer,We wish to inform you that earlier today Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (hereafter, NYK), Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. (hereafter, MOL) and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (hereafter, K-Line) agreed, subject to regulatory approval from the authorities. To establish a completely new joint-venture company to integrate and consolidate the container shipping businesses of all three companies.1. BackgroundAs no doubt aware, the container shipping industry has faced over the last five years unprecedented financial challenges. Global trade growth has slowed and the industry has witnessed a significant over supply of new tonnage. These two factors have contributed to create an adverse supply and demand imbalance environment, which has significantly undermined long term industry financial stability and future investment sustainability. In order to combat these factors, industry participants have sought to gain scale merit consolidation through integration and acquisition activity. Under such similar circumstances, NYK, MOL, and K-Line have now decided to integrate all their container shipping and terminal operating businesses excluding Japan, into one new single entity. The name of the new company will be advised in due course, but it will look to retain the highest of service standards, whilst offering a comprehensive global network, scale, innovation and strong financial credentials.2. Overview of the new joint-venture company

Item Outline

Shareholders/ Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha 38% Contribution Ratio Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. 31%
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. 31% Amount of Approx. 300 Billion JPY Contribution (Including fleets, share of terminals
as investment in kind)

Business Domain Container Shipping Business
(Including terminal operating business excluding Japan)

Fleet Size Approx. 1.4 Million TEU*, 6th in the market with approx. 7% of global
Note1) Figures are as of October, 2016 excluding order book
Notes2) Source: Alphaliner

*TEU: Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit


In the meantime, it is business as usual, and all three companies will continue to operate and serve their customers as they do today on an ongoing basis. once regulatory agreement has been obtained then the new company will start to be established and over time an orderly transfer of assets and staff will take place between the three existing companies and the new one. An expected timeline is currently envisaged as follows.

• Establishment of the new joint-venture company

July 1st, 2017(planned)

• Business commencement

April 1st, 2018(planned)

We will continue to keep you updated of any key developments. Meantime thank you for your continued support to NYK Line, and we look forward to also working with your esteemed company in the future, and ensuring a smooth transition of services across to our new company in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Jeremy Nixon

Chief Executive Officer

Global Liner Management Division

Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line)


毫无疑问,集装箱航运业在过去五年中面临着前所未有的挑战。 在全球贸易增长放缓,行业出现了大量超额新吨位, 这两个因素对行业造成不利的供需环境,严重削弱了行业长期的金融稳定性和未来的投资可持续性。

为了克服这些因素,行业参与者通过寻求整合和并购的方式巩固其规模优势地位。 在这种情况下,NYK,MOL和K-Line现决定将除日本之外的所有集装箱航运和码头运营业务整合成一个新的单一实体。 新公司的名称将在适当时候被告知,但它将保持最高的服务标准,同时提供全面的全球网络,规模,创新和强大的财务凭证。

与此同时,公司照常营业,所有三家公司将继续经营和服务他们的客户, 一旦获得监管协议,新公司将开始建立,随着时间的推移,三家现有公司和新公司之间将进行资产和员工的有序转移。 预期的时间表目前设想如下。


NYK 38%

MOL 31%

K\'Line 31%






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