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The contents of a PDF file can be updated incrementally without rewriting the entire file. Changes are appended to the end of the file, leaving its original contents intact. In an incremental update, any new or changed objects are appended to the file, a cross-reference section is added, and a new trailer is inserted.
PDF文件的内容可以增量更新,而无需重写整个文件。 更改将附加到文件末尾,而其原始内容保持不变。 在增量更新中,任何新的或更改的对象都将附加到文件中,添加交叉引用部分,并插入新的trailer。
前面内容省略。。。。。。xref0 90000000000 65535 f0000000010 00000 n0000000059 00000 n0000000140 00000 n0000000203 00000 n0000000302 00000 n0000000387 00000 n0000000437 00000 n0000000471 00000 ntrailer <</Size 9 /Root 1 0 R>>startxref600%%EOF4 0 obj<</Length 44>>streamBT/F1 24 Tf 100 100 Td (Hello world!) Tj/F1 12 Tf 0 20 Td (created by trump) TjETendstreamendobjxref0 10000000000 65535 f4 10000000822 00000 ntrailer <</Size 10 /Root 1 0 R /Prev 591>>startxref957%%EOF