1.软件测试 Software Testing
Software Testing is a method to check if the actual application match the requirement, to ensure functionalities work properly as expected.
The purpose is to identify errors, defects, gaps, missing requirement .e.t before delivery to pulic release。
软件测试就是 测试主导软件验证
Software Testing means verification of application under test(AUT).
2.重要性 importance
Properly Testing ensures reliability, security and high performance, which results in time saving, cost effectiveness and customer satifaction.
Test is important because bugs could be expensive, even dangerous, which can cause monetary and human loss.
3. 益处 Benefits of Software Testing
Testing ensures cost-effective and reduce cost if identify bugs as early as possible.
Testing helps remove bugs and ensure reliability, earn trust from customers.
Testing offers quality, high perfomance of appliacation, gain customer satisfaction.
Testing improves user exeperience, meet requirement.
4.测试分类 Types
软件测试可分为三类 Testing can be classified into three categories.
5.常见测试策略 Testing Strategies
由开发者执行,旨在保证代码单元的正常功能。 Followed by developer to test units of program, aims to ensure function of code units
专注于功能设计,测试集成后的整体单元。 Focus on design, test all integrated units.
将所有模块合成一个系统,作为一个整体测试。 All modules are integrated, test as a whole.
Performed by end user, focus on business flow, ensure all requirements are fullfilled as required. Aim to gain acceptance from clients.
6.软件开发基本流程 Software Development Cycle